chapter 81

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"Alright. What about the rest of you?" He asked, still annoyed and angry.

Black Noir scribbled on his notepad and held it up, so it was facing me.
"WELCOME!" It read, and he thumbs upped me. I gave him one back and thanked him.
Next was A-Train.
He nodded his head. "Welcome, Red. Hope we get along." He said hesitantly.
I nodded and smiled. Then he looked at Homelander, who rolled his eyes and nodded. With a whoosh, A-Train was gone.

"We should talk." Starlight said and remained seated.

"Would probably be for the best." I agreed.

Deep coughed, and I focused on him.
"I knew you'd be a good addition to the team! Glad you're here to stay." He said and smiled.

"Thank you, Deep." I said, and Homelander stared intently at him. He then looked at me and whispered, "fishfucker." I almost burst out laughing but covered with a cough.
"You need a glass of water?" He asked, and I nodded. "Would be great."

"Deep. Would you get us some water?" Then he smiled. "You know what, I think I'll accompany you." Together, they left the room, leaving Starlight and me on our own.

"What the fuck y/n." Starlight said aggressively.

"What!?" I asked matching her aggressive tone.

"Are you for real?" She asked looking at me like a deer in headlights. "Not only do you ask me for advice regarding the fish fucker Deep. While knowing what he did to me. No! You also fuck Homelander!" She yelled.

"I get that the thing with Deep was really stupid and insensitive but I'm sorry OKAY! I'm really sorry! But I don't get why everyone is so mad at me for being in a RELATIONSHIP with Homelander! It's not just sex. I don't get why you all portray it like that!" I berated as we walked towards each other.

"Because he's a MONSTER! Ask literally ANYONE! I thought Maeve had warned you! I thought you saw it yourself! But obviously you're not seeing ANYTHING! Blinded by whatever it is that you seen in that psychotic maniac." She yelled as she got into my face.

"HE IS NOT WHAT Y'ALL MAKE HIM OUT TO BE! Not to me at least!" I yelled back.

"Y/n. You saw what he did to Maeve just now! That could be any of us, even you." She pleaded.

"I know where I stand. But it looks like you don't." I said and kept my head up high. "You are excused." I added.

She looked at me blankly and quickly strutted out the door.

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