chapter 15

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"I grew up in a dirty little town. I mean that literally. So much garbage all over the place." I said and he laughed a little. "When I found out about my powers, I was suprised to learn that not everybody could hear so well." I said and sighed. "It took a long time for me to accept myself. There wered times where I wanted to be deaf." I said truthfully.

"I'm so sorry." He said very quietly.

"Don't be. That's in the past now." I said and smiled. "Children can be cruel. But I guess, everyone had to figure that out one way or another." I said and he nodded understandingly. "I caused some serious injuries, when my powers first manifested." I said and he looked confused.

"Have you read my information?" I asked and he turned red.

"Not all of it." He admitted and I laughed.

"I have super hearing. I could hear an Ant sneeze. If I concentrated on it. But I also have very powerful vocalcords. Shattering glass is a piece of cake." I said and he seemed to slowly grasp what I was capable of.

"I was very confused by the supe name you gave yourself." He admitted. "I thought Siren as in mermaid." He admitted in a very unsure tone.

"I thought you of all people would know that Siren doesn't mean mermaid." I sighed and laughed.

"I do!" He defended. "I just didn't know, if you did." He explained and laughed.

"I chose the name 'RED SIREN' because the suit I had was red and I thought Siren would just fit." I explained and he nodded. "There are so many people who confuse Sirens and mermaids its annoying." I sighed.

"I know right." He sighed. "I mean how did that even happen. Sirens are bird like creatures! That's not even close to what a mermaid is." He said playfully and chuckled.

We talked for a bit until my phone buzzed and I had to leave.

"I liked talking with you Deep." I said and he smiled from ear to ear.

"Me too. I hope we can spend some time with each other again soon." He said and stood awkwardly.

I said goodbye and walked out the door.

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