chapter 28

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Deep returned with some sucction marks on his biceps but didn't say anything about them.
Instead, he showed me how to properly clean the tank.
"Thank you for your help." He said almost shy.

"That's my job. But I appreciate the gratitude." I answered and smiled.

We held light conversation while cleaning. It took a while, but eventually, Deep was satisfied and told me that the fish could be put back now.
This time around, he brought the fish to me, and I let them down into the tank.
Except for Ambrosia, who he put in himself.

"That's it." He said and smiled. "Again, thank you for your help." He said and held his hands behind his back.
Most of the time, deep looked like a small child, striving for attention and wanting to be liked.
But then I'd remember all the awful shit he did, and before I knew it, I wanted to flee, but my feet didn't move.

"You're welcome." I said and waited for him to dismiss me.

He nodded, "I'll take the block off you. You're free to go." He said awkwardly and tipped on his phone.

"Okay. Bye." I said, matching his awkwardness, and left.

As I set foot outside of his apartment, I felt sick. My head was hurting, and my stomach felt upside-down.

I went to the bathroom and splashed some water in my face. That helped a little, but not enough.
My phone took my mind off deep and back to the here and now. I had a job to do. Even if at that moment the job was to get maeve another coffee.

I should check with one of the doctors on her health. But for now, I headed down to the store and got her a coffee while also taking everyone else's order.
And of course, the barista from before was there again. He grinned like the Cheshire cat, and it annoyed me to infinity and beyond.

"Hey! Back again, I see." He said with a chuckled.

"Yup." I huffed and gave him my order.

"You know I forgot your name. Kinda embarrassing to ask, but would you -" I cut his bullshit the moment he took a breath.

"I don't think I gave it to you. And I don't think you'd need it anyway." I said and felt irritated.
He looked at me like a goldfish. There's not much going on behind the glass, I thought. "Look. I need to get back to work. I'm sure you're lovly, but I'm not interested in anything other than my order. Alright?" I said and hoped he wouldn't spit in anything.

He nodded calmly, but his eyes told a very different, very aggressive story.

With that, he continued his work, and after receiving my order, so did I.

Author 's note:
I've got a lot going on right now, so the chapters might take a little longer, but they are coming! Sorry, and I hope you understand.
Also, thank you all for the amazing support and everything. <3

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