chapter 88

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"Good meeting." Noir wrote down on his notepad and held it up.

"Good meeting indeed, bro." Deep said and smiled to himself.

"Good. Anything else, anything urgent?" Homelander asked, and no one said anything. "Then you're free to leave." He added, and A-Train rushed out.

"Actually... I wanted to ask you something, sir." Deep said. Noir left the room, and the three of us were left alone.

"Sure. What is it, Deep?" Homelander asked sweetly.

"Since I'm the 'lord of the seven seas' and all. I was thinking about getting out of the whole ocean land thing. Or we could pressure them into rebuild, right now its just not okay how those animals are treated." He said, seemingly getting more confident the longer he talked.

"Isn't this whole Black market thing enough for you? I mean, is it really not that important that you're already looking at the next thing you want to work on?" Homelander asked, his face loosing it's friendliness.

"Does that mean, if the black market thing was done, Deep would get your approval?" I asked Homelander directly.

"Well. I guess. I mean, if that ocean world thing is so important to you, Deep, then sure." He said, thinking hardly.

"First, we would need to know if you'd really want to back out, or rather try and pressure them into rebuilding. If that doesn't work, you could just tell them no change, no deal." I suggested.

"Yes. Definitely. I want to help raise awareness, not just back out because it's uncomfortable." He said enthusiastically.

"What do you think, Homelander?" I asked and smiled.

"Sounds like a plan. But only after the thing we planned out." Homelander added.

"About that. Wouldn't it be a good promotional boost if I was part of that operation? I mean, if it isn't more than just random people coincidentally renting the same unit over and over, we don't have to publicize anything. On the other hand, if the new member of the seven helps riding the city of some really dirty shit, that would be a huge plus on all accounts. Your numbers go up, mine as well, and not to forget #redlander." I smiled, and I saw his cheeks redden just for a second.

"Another great Idea, Red." He coughed. "You'll observe, and Deep can work on the ocean world stuff.

"He knows it's ocean land. He's just teasing." I whispered to Deep, who smiled happily.

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