chapter 22

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She sat at her dinner table and I sat down in front of her. She was sipping her tea and asked if I wanted anything. Of course I declined politely. 

"How was your first night in your new home?" She asked with a small smile, "I know how I felt when I first got here. I cried myself to sleep." She said and took another sip.

"I had a nightmare I think, but I can't remember, so it wasn't too bad." I said and she laughed. 

"You know how there's this supersticion that the first night you spend somewhere else determends whether or not your time there will be a good one or not." She said and took another slow sip. 

"Now I know." I said and laughed.

I finished my breakfast just in time for my phone to ding.

"My apartment ;)" From Deep. 

I let out an involuntary noise that didn't scream excitment.

"Homelander?" Starlight asked with a frown.

"Not too fond of him, huh?" I asked and chuckled.

"Not. at. all." She said with a groan. "Please be careful. Heis more than dangerous."

I nodded but didn't know what to make of her warning. "Well, I gotta go. I think I shouldn't let any of you wait too long." I said and left her apartment.

On my way to Deep's apartment I bumped into Queen Maeve. "Sorry Queen Maeve. I'll be sure to be more careful." I said and did a little bow. 

"Just Maeve. Okay?" She said and kept walking.

"Sure. Thank you." I replied and continued walking.

I heard Deep walking behind the doors. I knocked and he hurried over to open them. "Hey!" He said overly excited.

"Hello Deep." I said as I entered. "Anything wrong with the breakfast?" I asked.

"No. Everything was fine." He said and smiled. "I wanted to talk." He said and kept smiling. 

"Well, I'm listening." I said getting the feeling he didn't actually need anything. 

"Oh. Uhm, nothing specific like that. I just thought maybe we could hang out, like before." He admitted and I didn't know what to do so I stayed silent. 

"Okay. I don't want to speak out of place, but I feel like I have to make something clear." I said and he kept smiling, though his eyes fell. "Allright. I am a PA. Not a pal. I mean yeah we can talk and hang out, probably. What we can't do, is hang out during my active work time. And while on the topic on that, you should not be texting me the way that you currently are. It's just too wild." I said for a lack of better words. 

His face was stuck in that smile and his eyes looked like a sealion's puppyeyes. "Yeah. not. you're right. I wouldn't want another Starlight situation." He said and my face must've fallen a bit because he started a rescue mission. "Not like that. I mean I know that was wrong. IS wrong and I wouldn't want to make you feel that way. OR oR ANYone else!" He was clinging onto dear life for the fear of being cancelled was real. 

"Deep. Can you calm down? I said something because I believe this was not your intention. So please chill a bit." I said and gave him a soft smile. He visibly relaxed and nodded. 

"Alright. Good. Thank you." He said and I nodded. "If I need anything, I'll text you, like a normal coworker would. " He said and I agreed, while taking my leave.

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