chapter 54

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"We? I hadn't realized we were both going." I said and felt kind of embarrassed.

"Well, we are." He pouted and quickly changed the subject. "I saw that your door is being repaired."

"Yes. I went to service and maintenance. But now that it's being repaired, I can't get in. I'll have to go to this." I said and felt dirty even though my outfit was decent.

"Uff, y/n. Nonono. That won't do." He said as he looked me up and down. "Wait here. I'll get you something to wear." And with that, he left.

I couldn't even protest. While he was gone, I decided to get myself a glass of water from his kitchen. It looked brand new. It had never been used before. It's a shame to waste space and money like that.
When he returned, he layed out a very fancy and way too over the top outfit out.
"This should fit you." He said confidently.

"Isn't this a bit too much?" I asked nervously.

"It's okay to do more than is expected, y/n. Besides, you'll look amazing." He beamed. "Now come, at least try it on." He said a little annoyed.
I nodded and took the clothes from the table.
"Oh, not this again, y/n. Just do it here." He said and rolled his eyes. "You'll need help getting it on anyway." He added.

"Fine. But this is still humiliating." I pouted but complied.
The white and blue outfit was snug and form-fitting, yet a lot more restrictive than the costume he had ordered for me.
"Did you say I would need your help getting this on?" I asked, and he chuckled deeply.

"Perhaps I underestimated your abilities." He said and smiled.

"Perhaps." I said and grinned. "It's getting late. Don't you need to get ready as well?" I asked, and he scoffed.

"I am ready. What else would I wear?" He asked.

"Oh. I thought maybe something more comfortable?" I asked and added, "I mean, I've never seen you wear something else."

"This is comfortable. And fancy." He argued.

"Okay. Good. Just making sure." I said.

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