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The story begins at the point where Charlie is talking to Babe, expressing that he is willing to die for him. He explains that if he dies, Babe's powers will return to him, and he offers to sacrifice himself if Babe desires his powers back.

Charlie is earnestly explaining to Babe how he can transfer his powers back to him. Suddenly, Babe shouts at him, accusing him of being a liar and expressing frustration with all the deception. He declares that he no longer believes Charlie. Despite Charlie's attempts to explain and profess his genuine love for Babe, Babe refuses to trust him.

Babe: "You say you love me, right?"

Charlie: "I do, I really do."

Babe: "Prove it! Give me back the powers. Can you? You can't, right? You really think I'm a fool."

Charlie: "Alright, P'Babe, if that's what you want, then okay. I'll prove my love to you."

As Charlie takes Babe outside, he addresses him.

"You want your powers back, right, P'Babe? Okay, then take them back."

Standing in front of the sports car Babe gifted Charlie, babe confidently enters the car, starts the engine, and looks at Charlie. Babe's hands tremble, his heart thumps, and he races the wheels until he hears a voice.

"P'Babe, just do it. I know you love racing, and your powers are crucial to you. Trust me; I can die for you."

After a few minutes, there is no sound of the car. Someone hugs Charlie tightly, almost taking his breath away. It is none other than Babe himself.

You're one crazy kid," he cried, his whimpers revealing how scared Babe was and how much he loved Charlie. "Why didn't you move? What if I... I never thought you'd prove your love like this. Even if I pull this stunt again, don't, or else I will kill you.

Even without those powers, I am still Pitbabe. I don't need them."

"Yes, P'Babe, you are still the perfect Pitbabe." Babe trembled; his hands betrayed his inner turmoil. Though he tried to appear strong, he was as soft as cotton inside. Charlie hugged Babe until he felt okay.

"Has Mama forgiven Papa?" Charlie asked, smiling.

"Really, Charlie? Now?" Babe chuckled a little.

Now, what do you want?

Charlie replied, "Maybe a long drive somewhere far, far from this city just me and you and..."

"And...?" Babe questioned teasingly

babe me and you and all the love I have for you I wanna hold you kiss you and spend the whole day just cuddling you and escaping from this messy world into the world of romance and love with you just you

"Charlie, I have an idea. why don't we go away, just me and you, for a few some days?" [smiled]



as they both sat in the car and started it without thinking where they well go but knowing that wherever it was it was just them and that they didn't see anything wrong when they were with each other.

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