LUNACY [Pete x way ]part 9

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As Pete woke up from a deep sleep, he found Way sleeping beside him on the floor while he was on the bed. His head hurt and his eyes were heavy with fatigue. Suddenly, he remembered what happened yesterday. Way was sleeping as Pete took himself back. He changed and then slept, but afterward, he didn't know what happened. Pete's eyes searched everywhere, and he found out that he might have had a fever. Way was wiping his forehead and applying cold water pads again and again. Then, Way must have fallen asleep like that. Pete saw that Way was about to wake up, so he acted as if he were still asleep.

As Way got up and went to the bathroom, he placed his hand on Pete's head to check if he had a fever or not.

Way: "Thank God there is no fever anymore."

As Way came out of the bathroom, he saw Pete struggling to get up from the bed, but he was still so weak. Without a second thought, Way hurried over to him, catching him before he could fall.

Way: "You should lie down. I don't want you dead anytime soon."

Pete looked at Way, surprised by his concern, but then he quickly masked his emotions.

Pete: "Don't be nice to me."

Way glanced up, meeting Pete's gaze for a moment before averting his eyes and turning to leave.

Pete: "I have work. I have to organize the party today. I'll leave in an hour."

Way: "Take the medicine before you leave. I don't want to go through this night again. I freaking hate it."

Pete nodded weakly, acknowledging Way's concern, and reached for the medicine on the bedside table. He swallowed it with a grimace, then lay back on the bed, feeling drained.

Way hesitated for a moment, then nodded before turning to leave the room, leaving Pete to rest.

After an hour, Pete got ready to go and check on the party preparations. He grew annoyed by the overwhelming silence. What bothered him most was the absence of Way's usual banter. Today, Way wasn't speaking much; he was simply going about his tasks without interfering in Pete's world.

Pete muttered to himself, "I must be hallucinating."

As Pete was about to leave, he noticed a plate of freshly cooked bacon and eggs, along with toast and a glass of fresh orange juice, accompanied by a sticky note.

The note read: "I didn't feel like breakfast, so I'm leaving it for you. Don't let it go to waste. I'm going shopping before you leave."

Pete hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to leave without acknowledging Way's gesture. However, he decided to have the breakfast before leaving. As he sat down and began to eat

Pete grabbed a pen and wrote a quick note in response to Way's, leaving it on the table next to the glass of orange juice. The note read: I don't like oranges leaving it for you 

As Way emerged from the bathroom, he glanced around the apartment, noticing the absence of Pete. Instead of going shopping, he was just hiding in the  guest bathroom  waiting for Pete to leave 

way:okay now what as he glances at the empty apartment 

As Way stood in front of his wardrobe, contemplating his outfit for the day, he found himself drawn to the familiar green dress. However, upon closer inspection, he hesitated, suddenly feeling the need for a change.

Turning away from the green dress, he scanned his wardrobe for an alternative. His eyes settled on a sleek black suit, accompanied by a silk undershirt and a pair of shiny silver heel boots. The ensemble appealed to his sense of style, and he imagined the subtle yet striking impression it would make.

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