I Am Never The One [way x Pete]

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Pete was getting ready to go somewhere when Way hugged him from behind.

Way: "Where are you going?"

Pete: "To the club. Babe called for some work."

Way: "Can I come?"

Pete: "I mean, if you want to join, sure, but no funny business."

Way: "What do you mean by funny business?"

Pete: "No one knows you better than me, okay?"

Way: "I know. Then wait for me downstairs; I'll get ready in just a few minutes."

Pete: "You better wear something hot." *winked* "I will be waiting."

Way: "Okay."

As Pete left, although Way loved this, he knew it wouldn't go any further anytime soon, and sooner or later, this all would be gone. So he decided to just go on with what he had until now.

way came down after getting ready

Apologies for the oversight. Here's the corrected version with "babe" instead of "Abby":

Way: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Pete: "Damn, I know why I fell for you."

Way: "Stop it!"

Pete: "Okay, let's go. I'll stop, okay?"

They arrived at the club. Before getting out of the car:

Pete: "Way, if you feel uncomfortable, tell me immediately. We'll go home right then, okay?"

Way: "Okay, okay, don't worry."

As they went in, Pete and Babe got busy discussing something, and Way partied hard. Way wanted to stay out of Babe's sight, so he didn't join them.

Pete: "Are you sure that Tony has his eyes on Way?"

Babe: "Hundred percent sure. I don't know, but maybe he doesn't want you to worry. But after me, his only way to get good money is Charlie or Way. Charlie's too powerful to get caught, and then the only way left, we don't know what he will do next. But you should keep your eyes open because he will attack you and Way in your most vulnerable time."

Pete: "I'm glad you warned me, babe."

Babe: "Hmm."

As they both looked at Way,

Babe: "Look at him. What is he wearing, man? You're too easy on him. Look how every boy is burning for him. I bet people masturbate to his photos. Pete, why don't you stop him from being so careless? Look at him mastering up the crowd. Damn, he has a lot of confidence. Even social anxiety is afraid of him."

Pete: "Babe, I do love him, but that doesn't mean I own him. He wore it, he looked it, appreciate it. And after all, those who are looking will just look because in the end, he would walk to me. So it's his life, let him enjoy it. I'm no one to tell him to stop. If he wants it, then I want that too."

Babe: "Lucky. While Charlie... ugh, that guy has some big-time possessiveness."

Pete: "Look at yourself. He deserves to be getting possessiveness."

Babe smiled.

When Way saw Pete, he came to him.

Pete: "See? I told you."

Babe: "Yeah."

Charlie: "Babe."

Babe: "Oh man, where did he come from?"

Babe: "Charlie, you here?"

Charlie: "Yup, Sonic told me I would find you here."

babe;that's shitty guy 

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