The Time When You Were Mine[northx sonic]

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What is your wish? Sometimes, we wish for money; sometimes, we wish for popularity, and many times, we wish for love. But what about happiness? Yeah, people say money, popularity, all of this brings happiness, but no, absolutely not. Sometimes you don't have money, you don't have popularity or even love, but you're happy. You're happy because you're at peace; you have freedom; you have yourself. You can do whatever you like; you give yourself the love that you need. You like those sweet moments when you laugh and laugh, and no one really watches or judges. Those moments where you talk to yourself like a psycho, but it's really just you healing and talking to yourself and just being at peace.

Pete had to leave Way and Sonic for just a few hours for the investigation, but he couldn't, so he called Alan. Alan said he would arrive in an hour, so Pete left as he knew Alan would arrive soon.

Way: "Go now, why are you looking at me like that?"

Pete: "I am just worried."

Way: "I am okay, no one can hurt me, and besides, Uncle is arriving soon. Don't worry, now go, okay?"

Pete: "Really?"

Way: "Yes, I am fine, and everything will be fine. Okay, go, baba, go."

Pete: "Okay." [as he kissed Way's forehead and his belly]

Way: "Say bye to papa."

As Way bid farewell to Pete, Pete departed. Way turned to head inside when suddenly, a shadowy figure swiftly approached, clamping a hand over Way's mouth and forcing a cloth soaked in a pungent substance against his nose. Despite Way's desperate attempts to break free, the assailant's grip was unyielding, and the overpowering scent quickly took its toll. Way's struggles grew weaker until, eventually, he succumbed to the effects of the drug.

Indeed, it was North.

North: "You want to take Sonic? Let's see how Pete feels when he sees you like this."

Meanwhile, Pete...

Pete: "Uncle, have you arrived yet?"

Alan: "No, not yet. Too much traffic, you know, Bangkok traffic. It's a headache. I will be there at 15, don't worry."

Pete: "How can I not worry, Uncle? You don't know. The bodyguards I wanted, they are also on the way. Uncle, please, can you hurry?"

Alan: "Yeah, yeah. Now go, I'm also moving now, okay."

Pete cut the call.:

"Sonic was in his room when suddenly he heard a loud noise coming from outside. At first, he didn't want to go, but then he gathered the courage to find out what was wrong because he thought something had happened to Way. When he went downstairs, he saw a horrifying sight – a sight he never wanted to see. Sonic saw Way tied to a chair. Suddenly, North started trembling and making his way back, but as he took steps backward, a vase hit his elbow and crashed onto the floor.

North saw Sonic.

North: Sonic. [He smiled]

Sonic ran, sprinting for his life so that North could never catch him. He closed his room tightly, though North tried to catch up with him, all in vain.

North: Sonic, open the door. We'll just talk.

Sonic was going crazy; his eyes were burning with fear. He was scared that he would have to go to that dark, terrible place again. He slid down the door, putting both his hands on his ears so that he couldn't hear the banging and loud shouts from outside.

North: Let's talk this out. If you won't open this door, I will break it. There's no way out, Sonic. You can't leave me, and I can't leave you. That's where it ends. Open this door, goddamn it!

Sonic: No, no, no, not again, never again!

Sonic started hitting his ears as the loud voices made him crazy.

North: You open this door, then. Fine, . Let's make Way do what you can't. Oh wait, he's unconscious. How should we wake him up? Maybe a punch? How do you want it, Sonic? I'm giving you a chance. If you open the door, I won't do anything to Way. We'll just go and live peacefully like you used to. Okay, BABY?

Sonic: I can't, I can't, not for the baby. I can't.

His whole body refused to take action. Sonic had to choose between Way's well-being and everything he had.

Sonic: Go away, North. If you ever loved me, please go away. Leave me and Way alone. He did nothing to you!

The banging on the door became more violent; sooner or later, North would break it. But it was a strong door.

North: If you won't open up, fine. Let's see what Way can do.

After a few seconds, everything went silent.

Sonic: [Heard nothing as he went closer to the door]

In a moment of flashback:

Way: I will make the old Sonic come back. Let's get cotton candy, how about a picnic?

Sonic: No, no, it can't be.

As Sonic opened the door and ran to stop North from whatever he was about to do, he saw that North was going to hurt Way with a knife but stopped when he heard Sonic.

Sonic: Stop it, North!

North: You're here?

North came and hugged Sonic.

Sonic stood straight. Sonic had given up; he gave up on himself, on everything he once had, for someone who was going to sacrifice himself for Sonic.

North: I missed you, you know. You can't go away from me like before, okay?

Alan arrived, and when he saw the whole scene, he shouted North's name and pointed a gun at him.

Alan: If this goes on, I will shoot you, North. You'll go away now.

Way, who was unconscious, came back to consciousness just when North was about to stab him. When he saw what Sonic did, his heart shattered.

North: You can't kill me, uncle. You can't do anything. I have him here, my darling, my theERAK You can't do anything!

As the knife he had was put on Sonic's neck, Sonic was threatened, and everyone around was terrified.

Way: What do you want, North? Can't you let him live in peace, not for him, but for your baby? It's not just his; it's yours as well. If it goes like this, you'll kill your own love. Look at Sonic; he's nowhere to be found. He's a dead person.

Alan: North, it hurts me to see you like this. Can't you stop whatever you're doing?

North: I'll stop when he comes with me.

Alan: He won't.

Sonic: I'm sorry, uncle. I'm sorry, Way. Say sorry brother.

Way: No, Sonic, don't do this, please!

Sonic: [Laughed] You know what, Way? I give up. I'm his, and yeah, for all these years, I have been his. I can't leave him. If I do, he would go around and hurt you guys like this.

North: You're going with me to our home, right?

Alan: Sonic, don't do this, please.

Sonic: Thank you for what you've been through for me, but I can't run away. I simply can't. And I know that he won't stop unless he's dead, or I am. I can't see him dead, and I can't die. I'm sorry, I am.

As North hugged the non-responsive Sonic and dragged him out, threatening everyone with the knife, all of them cried. Sonic didn't say anything; everything in him cried except his eyes. Sonic gave up on running away and just went along with how it wanted to go because he couldn't run away from what he had put on himself by himself.

"Falling in love is like holding a candle. Initially, it lightens up the world around you. Then it starts melting and hurts you. Finally, it goes off and everything is darker than ever and all you are left with is the...BURN!"

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