Your Name Engraved [Alan x Jeff]

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 Alan and Jeff's Romantic Vacation  ❤️

Alan tricked Jeff into coming to Japan with the story that Babe has to renew some parts for the car that needs to be replaced, and those parts are only found in Japan, in particular. However, in reality, it was all a surprise trip for just the two of them.

Kyoto, Japan

Jeff: You told us we were just going to buy the parts and leave. Where are you taking me?

Alan: Just wait. Why are you so angry?

Jeff: What a waste of time.

Alan: Being with me is a waste of time?

Jeff: No, not like that. Of course not. It's just that our time is being wasted here. You have a lot to do, don't you?

Alan: Can we stop acting like colleagues and start being more like a couple when there's no one around at least?

Jeff: Okay, okay. Don't sulk. There, are you happy now?

Alan: [smiles]

Alan drove for quite a long time until he stopped at quite a barren place. There was nothing particular there.

Jeff: Why did you stop?

Alan: We are here.

Alan got out of the car and opened the car door for Jeff like a gentleman.

Jeff: Why did we stop?

Alan: You trust me, right?

Jeff: More than anyone.

Alan: Then okay, here you go.

Jeff: Do I have to put this on?

Alan: Just do it.

Jeff: Okay. [genuinely smiling]

Alan walked Jeff to somewhere.

Alan: Aha, careful.

Jeff: What can I do? I am literally blind.

Alan: Okay, okay. We are here. Yeah, okay. Now you can open your eyes. We're here.

Jeff took his blindfold off and saw something so beautiful that he gasped with shock.

Alan backhugged Jeff.

Alan: You like it?

Jeff: I do, but...

Alan: No "buts" for today, okay? [Jeff turned to Alan]

Alan: For today, let me take care of you, okay?

Jeff: [just nodded a little yes and got a little shy]

Alan: I knew you would deny it, so I prepared something. Yeah. [pouting]

Jeff: *kisses* that pout that Alan was making.

Jeff: Thank you for this.

Alan: We haven't even started yet, and you're already thanking me. Thank me later on.

Jeff: What's next? Is there more?

Alan: You go freshen up; we have places to be.

Jeff: Where?

Alan: Somewhere you like.

Jeff went to take a shower. While he was showering, Alan entered the shower. Jeff didn't react in any way and just let it go how it was going. Suddenly, Alan started rubbing Jeff's back, giving him tingles down his body. Jeff asked what he wanted, and Alan answered, "Nothing but just a soft kiss on the neck." They showered together, Alan washed Jeff's hair, and both of them had a sweet moment.

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