All the things he said [way x babe]

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the story continues after Babe finds out that  way was the enigma

Way stood there, his face a mix of desperation and regret as Babe stormed away with Charlie. The truth had been revealed, and the fallout was more devastating than he could have imagined.

Babe, fueled by a combination of anger and betrayal, didn't look back. Charlie, unsure of the situation but sensing the tension, followed closely. Way felt his heart shatter into a million pieces, realizing the consequences of his actions.

Way: Babe, please! I never meant for any of this to happen. I know I messed up, but I did it to protect you. You have to believe me!

Babe: (without turning around) Protect me? Is this your idea of protection? Lies and deceit? You were my friend, Way! My only friend! And you threw it all away.

Way: (pleading) Babe, I never wanted to lose your trust. I never wanted to hurt you. But there are things you don't understand. I had to make tough choices for both of us.

Babe: (angrily) Tough choices? You don't get to play the hero, Way. You're no hero. You're a traitor.

Way took a step forward, reaching out as if to touch Babe's shoulder, but he pulled away.

Babe: Don't touch me! I trusted you, and you played me for a fool. I don't want anything to do with you. Just stay away!

Way sank to his knees, the weight of Babe's words crushing him. His attempts to explain seemed futile, but he couldn't let hiM leave without understanding the truth.

Way: Babe, I can't change what I've done, but please listen. It was all to protect you, to keep you safe.

Babe: (turning around) Safe? I'd rather face danger than be surrounded by a liar like you. We're done, Way. Goodbye.

As Babe and Charlie disappeared around a corner, Way was left alone, the echoes of Babe's words lingering in the air.  replaced by the harsh reality of the consequences of his actions.

Way remained on his knees, the weight of his actions crashing down on him. The realization that he had sacrificed so much for someone who now saw him as a betrayer sent him spiraling into an emotional breakdown.

Way: (whispering to himself) I did it for him... everything was for him. Why can't he see that? Was my everything worth nothing to him? No, it can't be like that. Babe can't... (voice rising, breaking into a desperate tone) Babe can never... never!

Tears streamed down Way's face as he grappled with the magnitude of the situation. The years of deception, the lies, and the sacrifices all seemed to crumble to dust before him. He clutched at his chest, feeling the pain of a friendship irreparably broken.

Way Shadow, a name that now echoed with shame and regret in his mind, haunted him. The accusations of betrayal, of not truly caring for Babe, pierced through his heart like a dagger.

Way: (angrily) No, no! I loved him! I did everything for him! He was my everything! (frustrated laughter) Am I that hateful? Was my sacrifice never enough for him?

As the reality of his actions settled in, Way's mind began to unravel. The internal conflict manifested in a tortured smile on his face, a smile that bordered on madness. The person he thought he was, the friend he believed himself to be, now crumbled under the weight of his choices.

Way Shadow: (whispering, almost to himself) A betrayer... I betrayed him. He was my obsession, my everything. And now, he's gone. All gone.

As Way grappled with his emotional breakdown and the consequences of his actions, the shadows around him seemed to close in, enveloping him in a darkness that mirrored the turmoil within.

Way lost his mind; he lost it over love. The torture he went through for someone who never loved him. He's not bad; the people around him are. Can Way be called a betrayer? Can he be called a friend? What can he be called? Is he a backstabber or a best friend? What is he?

Way: I don't want to be in pain. I want this pain to be gone. Why does it hurt this bad? I knew this was coming. Why did I deny the reality? In the end, I deserve it.

Way's mind continued to spiral into madness, the weight of his emotions pushing him to the brink. He paced frantically, muttering to himself, his hands running through his disheveled hair.

Way: (frustrated) Why? Why did it have to be like this? I gave everything, and what did I get in return? Madness. Pure madness.

His eyes were wild, a reflection of the storm within. The pain had morphed into anger, and he couldn't contain the chaos raging through his mind.

Way: (shouting) I lost him! I lost everything! Was it all a game? A sick, twisted game that I was a pawn in?

He slammed his fists against a nearby wall, the raw intensity of his emotions manifesting in each furious blow.

Way: (breathing heavily) I can't take it. The madness is real. It's consuming me. I thought I could handle it, but I'm losing myself.

His laughter, tinged with desperation, echoed in the empty space around him. Way was no longer the person he once knew, and the reality of his shattered world pushed him further into the abyss of madness.

Way: (whispering) I saw it coming, deep down. I knew the truth, but I chose to live in denial. And now, the pain is unbearable. I thought I could handle it, but I was wrong. I deserve every bit of this heartache. I DESERVE TO DIE



Dear Babe,

I hope this letter finds you, though I understand if you'd rather not hear from me. I need to express the thoughts that have been haunting my every waking moment. I never thought it would come to this, but I owe you an explanation and an apology.

I want you to know that every action I took, every decision I made, was with the intention of protecting you. However, I see now that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I betrayed your trust, and for that, I am truly sorry.

I understand if you can't find it in your heart to forgive me. The pain I've caused you is something I never wanted, and yet, here we are. I betrayed the one person who meant the world to me, and I can't expect you to understand or accept that.

I want you to know that the time we spent together meant everything to me. You were my friend, my confidant, and my source of happiness. Losing you is a pain that cuts deep, and I wish there were words to convey the regret that fills my heart.

As I write this, I find myself at a crossroads, realizing the irreversible damage I've done. If my absence brings you peace and healing, then I must take that step, no matter how painful it is for me. I am not asking for your forgiveness; I only hope that someday, the wounds I've inflicted will heal.

Remember the laughter, the shared moments, and the genuine connection we once had. I am truly sorry, Babe, and I wish you a future filled with happiness and the genuine friendships you deserve.i hope i made up for the mistakes i did i am sorry 


Your Way

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