I Am Never The One [way x Pete]

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"Way, I'm not feeling well, so let's talk tomorrow, Dad."

"I don't care if you're sick or on your deathbed. Come here now!"

"I can't." [Way cut the call.]

Way: "I need sleep."

Way got so tired that he didn't care anymore, whether someone came or not, whether it hurt him or not. He didn't care enough now. He went to bed, trying to sleep but couldn't. His thoughts haunted him until he became unfazed and slept in a sitting position.

Pete, feeling guilty and knowing that in the end, he can't be the one, went back. As he entered the house, he noticed pin-drop silence. He went to his room to find Way, and, as he thought, Way was sleeping half-seated. He sighed and then went over to the bed where Way was. Pete laid on Way's lap, as if it was the best place and feeling ever.

When Way felt the weight on his lap, he saw Pete laying there, looking at him with a soft sparkle.

Way: "I... you."

Pete: "Shhh." [Pete placed his finger on Way's lips when he was about to say anything.]

Pete: "Don't say anything. Let's not fight anymore, let's not say anything. Just for some time, close your eyes and give me strength, that's all."

Way listened and did as Pete told him. After a few minutes, Pete spoke himself.

Pete: "I'm not going to say sorry. I know I hurt you, but it hurt me more. I want the best for you, for me, for us together. That's all. I feel sad when you're sad. It hurts me when you are down. I really want to try to be the best for you, but I don't know why I keep failing. I want us to be like the one, but I can't do that alone. You get me?" As Pete got up and looked Way in the eye, Pete continued, "You get me, na? I want you to give us a chance, not because of me, but for you. I won't stop loving, but will you let me love you?"

Pete's promising look made Way understand how much Pete cared. Being with Pete seemed unfair to Way because Pete deserved someone better. Way said, "Pete, I understand how much you want me, but it's best for us to stay apart."

As Way was about to go, Pete back-hugged him, not letting him go.

Way: "Let me go. It will only make things worse if you do it like this."

Pete: "If I let you go today, I will regret it my whole life."

Way: "And if you won't let go, I'll regret my whole life. Leave!"

As Way pushed Pete back, Pete, who lost balance, got hit by the corner of the bed and started bleeding from his forehead.

Way: "Pete, you! I told you to leave me. Why do you always hurt me?"

As Way saw Pete bleeding, he went to him, trying to help him up.

Way: "Are you okay? Does it hurt a lot? I told you. How will I fix this now? I've already hurt many others. How will I fix this now?" His hands trembled while touching Pete's injured forehead.

Pete, who hugged Way, knowing that it wasn't about the injury Way panicked about, said, "It's not about the injury; it's about everything I once broke apart. How will I fix this injury when I couldn't fix those memories?"

Pete: "I will help you fix everything, everything that's broken because of you."

Way, who broke down in Pete's embrace after trying many times to get out of Pete's embrace, knew how much he hated the comfort of Pete's embrace.

In the quiet room, Pete held Way gently in his arms, their emotions entwined like an intricate dance of heartbeats. Pete's touch was tender, a soothing balm to the wounds that extended beyond the physical injury on his forehead. With a delicate hand, Pete brushed away a strand of Way's hair and whispered words of reassurance.

"Way," Pete spoke softly, "I know it hurts, not just the injury but everything that's weighing on your heart. I want you to understand that you're not alone in this. We may be facing challenges, but we'll navigate them together."

He wiped away a tear from Way's cheek and continued, "You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Let me share the burden with you. We've been through so much, and I don't want you to face it all by yourself."

Pete's embrace tightened slightly, offering both physical and emotional support. "I care about you deeply, Way. Your pain is my pain, and your happiness is my happiness. We may have our differences, but I'm here for you, no matter what. Let's face this together, one step at a time."

As Pete spoke, Way felt the sincerity in his words, a genuine desire to provide solace and understanding. In that quiet moment, the room echoed with a shared vulnerability, creating a connection that surpassed the complexities of their situation. Pete's comforting presence became a sanctuary, a place where Way could find respite from the storms within.

Feeling the weight of Pete's words and the warmth of his embrace, Way slowly looked up, meeting Pete's eyes. There, in that shared gaze, a silent understanding passed between them. Pete leaned in, his lips grazing softly against Way's forehead, planting a gentle kiss.

It was a tender gesture, a reassurance that transcended words. In that brief touch, Pete conveyed not only compassion but also a promise – a promise to stand by Way's side through the struggles and uncertainties. The softness of the kiss held a quiet strength, offering comfort and an unspoken pledge of unwavering support.

As Pete pulled away, he looked into Way's eyes once more, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"Love, a silent force, lends the strength to endure, the courage to overcome, and the resilience to face life's challenges with a hopeful heart."

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