His Villian [Kenta x Kim] part 3

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Kim fell asleep after a beautiful night of love. Kenta, who was still awake, couldn't fall asleep and was constantly kissing Kim's forehead as if fearing that Kim might leave him or that he might never see him again. He gently caressed Kim, and although his face showed nothing but love, his eyes were full of tears. Kenta kept saying sorry to Kim as if he was about to do something terribly wrong to him

Kenta: I am sorry Kim but you came late

4 hrs later

Kim woke up but this time when he woke up he was in a room it was familiar room it was the same room he was in before when Kim realized he was all alone in the same room he started to get tense he shouted and shouted until someone came inside which made him more furious

Tony: Welcome back. [Maniacal laughter] You really thought it was easy running away. Well, well, here you are.

Kim: [Angry] Fuck you and your whole existence! Where is Kenta? Tell me! Why are you here? If you won't untie me, I swear I will hunt your existence. You will die by my hands, I swear to God. What did you do to Kenta?

Kenta: Oh, that boy. What was his name? Yeah, Kenta. He's in a happy place. Don't worry; he's not hurt. He's quite happy.

Kim: [Desperate] What did you do to him? [As he struggles to free himself]

Tony: [Chuckles darkly] You know, in my 25 years of experience, I've come to understand the power that resides in the fragility of human life. More than love or anything else, people are at their most selfish when it comes to preserving their existence. You made a colossal mistake, my dear. You fell for someone selfish as hell when it came to his life. That's all he cared about.

Kim: [In disbelief] I don't believe a single fucking word.

Tony: [Leaning in with a twisted smile] He sold you to me. [Laughs maniacally] He sold you to me in exchange for his own freedom. Quite the transaction, don't you think? I spared him for you, and he willingly handed you over. What a delightful game it was. I wanted to shatter that facade of yours, that air of authority. So, I orchestrated this little drama, gave you hope, and then snatched it away. Oh, the desperation in your eyes, yearning for love and comfort.

[Laughs hysterically] You see, I find immense pleasure in witnessing people crumble. Breaking down their bossy demeanor is my favorite sport. Witnessing the shattered remains of someone's once strong character is the pinnacle of entertainment. It's a symphony of despair, and you, my dear, are playing the leading role.


Kim was in a dark room, tears streaming down his face. The person he loved, Kenta, had betrayed him. The betrayal was like a heavy weight on his chest, making it hard to breathe.

"The echoes of betrayal resonate in the chambers of the heart, a haunting melody of shattered promises and the silent screams of a love that once was."

Out of the blue, Kim erupted into laughter, a manic sound echoing through the air. It was as if he had lost touch with reality, drowning in a chaotic blend of love and pain. In that moment, he portrayed a facade of indifference, as though he couldn't care less. It was as if he was playing a role, convincing himself that everything was okay when, in truth, he was grappling with the internal storm of emotions. His laughter, tinged with madness, became a fragile shield concealing the raw vulnerability beneath.

tony heard kim

As he moved to a different room located at the far end of the house, he discovered an unconscious Kenta lying on the floor.

Upon entering, Tony clapped a few times, the sound reverberating in the expansive room. Kenta, visibly battered, couldn't stand or show any signs of resistance. His face and hands were bruised, rendering him helpless. Chained by his foot, Kenta was unable to stand or retaliate.

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