Old School Love [Alan x Jeff] Part 1

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 "Hey guys, I'm 18, part of the new generation, but there's something about those old-school vibes that just hits differently. It's not that the bold and passionate stuff isn't fun, but sometimes you crave that classic charm – holding hands during a night walk instead of going for a night drive, those shy glances that make your heart race.

Imagine receiving a handwritten letter with a flower delicately placed inside, saved as a memory. Or a peacock feather as a thoughtful gift. It's about those small, sweet moments that leave you feeling nostalgic. There's a certain magic in getting shy rather than being bold, isn't there? Let me know if I'm the only one with an old soul in this modern world."

Jeff, a junior, garnered affection from nearly everyone around him. Despite being small, he possessed a certain charm, earning compliments from girls for his pretty handsome appearance. It was an era devoid of hate, a pure age where admiration flowed freely.

Jeff's appeal extended beyond his looks; he was an excellent student, much like his senior brother Charlie. Both brothers were known for their academic prowess and good manners. Interestingly, while Charlie was a senior, he carried a certain immaturity. Jeff, despite being the younger sibling, held a more mature demeanor and played a role in keeping his big brother on the right path. In this era of camaraderie, their bond was not only of family but of friendship and mutual support.

Jeff, North, and Sonic were best friends with a strong bond. Jeff didn't know exactly how their friendship started, but he loved the unique connection they had. Despite being different from them, he admired North and Sonic like siblings.

Even though North and Sonic could be challenging at times, Jeff cherished them deeply. The trio faced the highs and lows of friendship together, their differences making their bond special. Jeff accepted the quirks that came with his friends, understanding that their friendship was a valuable treasure, worth keeping despite occasional challenges.

 Jeff was a remarkably introverted and quiet kid; not much bothered him, except for one thing—Alan, Charlie's best friend. There was something peculiar about Alan that Jeff couldn't quite put into words. Every time Alan was with Charlie at their house, Jeff sensed a watchful gaze from afar.

Alan's presence bothered Jeff in subtle ways. He was a bit of a weirdo, and although Alan never directly bothered Jeff, the mere fact of his existence in their space left an uneasy feeling. Jeff found Alan immature, unable to pinpoint exactly what it was that rubbed him the wrong way. It was as if Alan's eccentricity clashed with the tranquil atmosphere Jeff sought to maintain. Despite Alan's harmless demeanor, his silent presence cast a shadow on Jeff's introverted world.

Alan returned after a two-month summer break in America, where he had spent time with his grandma at his dad's insistence. When he came back, he encountered Jeff, and their brief exchange left Alan with a fluttering heart.

Alan: Hi, Jeff.

Jeff: Hi.

Jeff walked away, leaving Alan in a state of internal turmoil.

Alan: Ugh, my heart.

Charlie noticed Alan's dilemma and offered some advice.

Charlie: Why don't you tell him?

Alan hesitated, unsure of how to express his feelings.

Alan: What? Umm, no, nooo. But I wish I could.

Charlie, determined to help, suggested a bold approach.

Charlie: You know, I'll go and tell him if you won't.

Alan: Charlieee, I don't know how to. You don't get it; it's too hard even to make eye contact with him, let alone tell him that I like him.

Charlie: Then write a letter or give him something. Did you buy him a gift?

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