LUNACY [Pete x Way]part 1

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Pete, the son of the renowned exhibit owner, was known for his anger issues and inexplicable behavior in the past. However, his mother and father always portrayed him as the perfect gentleman. In fact, due to his dark and crazy demeanor, he was often seen as a brat and never managed to have any girlfriends or boyfriends. So, his mother decided to arrange his marriage in order to steer him onto the right path. Not only Pete, but all of his family members seemed disassembled despite their outward appearance of smiles; greed resided in their hearts, hungering for money and power.

Way, the son of the biggest car dealer in Thailand, had a warm and happy family despite being small and distant from each other. They were all genuinely kind-hearted and clean at heart. Way was known for being the kindest and humblest person around. His soft-spoken character always brought happiness to everyone he encountered. His mother treated him like a prince since he was their only child, and he was everyone's sweetheart, including the maids and servants. Everyone talked about how talented and good-hearted Way was. Pete's father and Way's father were renowned enemies due to their status, but in reality, they were brothers who harbored mutual disdain. Pete's father wanted to exploit his big brother to drain him of all his money. Suddenly, as the taxes for cars started to decrease, Way's father became sick and dependent on a ventilator. Way's life turned somber quickly. Way only had his mother for support, knowing that his father was sick. Pete's father saw an opportunity to manipulate Way's mother into agreeing to a marriage proposal between Pete and Way, believing it would stop the fighting and clear the dust between the brothers. However, it was all an act to inherit all of his big brother's property after his demise. Pete's mother was aware of Pete's unstable nature and opposed the idea. She knew that Way deserved someone better than Pete. However, Pete's father manipulated Way's mother into believing that they would be left with no support if they opposed the proposal. He promised that Pete would change for the better and that Way would be treated better. Way's mother, still uncertain, approached Way, who was writing in his diary.

Way's Mom: Way, what are you doing? Way: Mom, I'm writing. Come in. Why are you standing there? Way's Mom: My boy has grown up to be so beautiful and lovely. It feels like it was just yesterday that I held you in my hand for the first time. She caresses Way's head. Way: Mom, what happened? Why are you talking like that? Way's Mom: Your father's brother came. Way: And? Way's Mom: And he came to make peace as your father's situation is worsening day by day. He wants me to... Way: Mom, be clear with me. Way's Mom: He wants me to give your hand in marriage to Pete, his son. Way: But you know what type of guy uncle is. Do you still believe him? Way's Mom: Baby, I have to because after your father, our only pillar is your uncle. Way: Mom, but you know I like Babe. Way's Mom: I know that, Way, but you're a good boy. You can fall in love after marriage, right? And after all, he is your uncle, and Pete is your cousin. They will treat you like their own son. Way: But, Mom... Way's Mom: I'm sorry, son, but I agreed. Way: But, Mom, at least you should have asked. Way's Mom: Our future depends on this. Sorry, my boy. Get ready; tomorrow you will get married to Pete, your uncle's son. Way: But, Mom... [tears forming in his eyes]

As Way's mom hugged him and left without listening to him, Way attempted to talk to his mom, but the door was locked.

Way: Mom, Mom, did you lock me up? Open it, Mom. Mom: I'm sorry, Way. I'm doing this for you. Way: Mom, Mom... [trying to keep his demeanor calm]

He tried calling Babe to tell him about this, but Babe didn't pick up. When he checked his messages, he saw that Babe had messaged about how Charlie proposed to him, and now Charlie and Babe were both boyfriends. This realization made Way sad, but he understood that it wasn't Babe's fault for falling in love. Way blamed himself for falling for Babe and never speaking to him about it. Finally, Way accepted his fate, understanding that seeing him in pain would also hurt his mom. He resolved that his only path forward was to be happy and live with Pete, even though Pete didn't even know who he was. Despite everything, this decision seemed to solve his parents' problems and was deemed best for Way as well.

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