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Babe was trying to wake Charlie, but Charlie was fast asleep.

When Babe kicked Charlie on the floor, Charlie woke up with a start.

Charlie: "Thief! Thief! Thief! Babe, are you okay?"

Babe: "I'm okay, but you're about to be dead."

Charlie: "What do you mean?"

Babe: "Your brother! He's been calling for you for about half an hour. I've been trying to wake you up, but your butt was fast asleep."

Charlie: "Why didn't you go get the door?"

Babe: "Charlie!"

Charlie: "Okay, okay, I get it. I'll go now."

Babe: "Charlie, your underwear! You..."

Charlie looked and choked as Babe threw Charlie's underwear at his face, while Charlie quickly put it on.

Babe: "Go and lock the door."

Charlie: "Don't worry."

Babe: "Don't worry, my ass."

As Charlie opened the door, Tharn was standing there eavesdropping. When Charlie opened the door, he almost fell as Charlie had the door just open enough for his face.

Tharn: "Hey, Charlie, Type was calling."

Charlie: "Okay, I'll be right there in a few minutes."

As Charlie swiftly came out of the room, closing the door tightly, Tharn was astonished by Charlie's fast movements.

Tharn: "Is your friend not awake yet?"

Charlie: "Weird, right? *laughs* He wakes up late."

As Charlie and Tharn went to Type, Type was visibly angry because despite calling for Charlie many times, he was still asleep

Type: "Charlie, why was the door locked? And why are you still asleep? It's already noon, and you don't work."

Charlie: "Oh, sorry, Type. Today's my day off, and I worked late last night, so I slept in."

Charlie turned to Tharn.

Charlie: "Hey, Tharn, do you know what that loud noise was? I thought something broke."

Type looked at Tharn, who silently mouthed "Sorry." Type then explained that the vase broke because he was clumsy, and of course, Charlie wouldn't mind; accidents happen, after all. Type reassured Charlie, saying that he's only human.

As soon as Babe entered the chat, Charlie prepared breakfast for everyone, and they had a nice talk over the meal. Type, who was having fun, smirked while eating breakfast and then sneakily ran his finger over Tharn's crouch, making Tharn sweat.

Babe: "Tharn, are you okay? You're sweating. Is it hot? Should I raise the air conditioner?"

Tharn: "Yeah, thank you."

Charlie (playfully): "Type..."

Type, who was enjoying the situation with Tharn, suddenly looked at Charlie.

Charlie: "How did you and Tharn become friends? From my point of view, you're a pain in the ass."

Type: "You wanna get hit?"

Tharn: "Ah, Type, don't. He's just asking a normal question. Actually, I was the one who approached him to be friends, but he was a hard nut to crack. Eventually, he gave in. He's not as tough as he seems."

Type smirked, remembering how they met, and Babe and Charlie shared a knowing look, reminiscing about their own beginnings.

They all laughed, reminiscing about their past in their minds.

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