LUNACY [Pete xway]part 7

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Chapter 1 ended here 

Chapter 2: Illusionary Drunk

Way was choosing an outfit for tomorrow, and Pete couldn't help but glance at him from the side. He didn't particularly like Way's flashy dresses, and they were as flashy as ever today.

Pete: "Wear something subtle."

Way: "You know what? I want you to do one thing."

Pete: "What?"

Way: "Mind your own fucking  business."

Pete: *still as bitter as ever* "I don't like this guy. I hate him."

Way picked out a green suit, just a ribbon wrapped around with leather pants, and a shiny pink upper. Way's style was unique and always suited him. He was like a fashion icon of the series.

Pete: "You're wearing that?"

Way didn't answer and left the room. As Pete glanced around, he noticed that Way's cupboard had fewer clothes and more alcoholic bottles—wine, tequila, beer, vodka—everything you could name.

Pete: "He loves to drink, man."

 As Way entered again:

Pete: "I will be going out for the night. Don't wait for me."

Way: "Who will wait for you? Go and don't come back. That's for the best."

Pete: "Close the door properly. I don't want any intruder like before entering in."

Way: "Finally, I will have peace." [As Way took a cigarette out of his drawer and then went outside onto the balcony.]

Way settled on the balcony, enjoying the air as he lit his cigarette. The sense of freedom was palpable, knowing he wouldn't be disturbed.

Pete gave Way a last look before leaving, and then departed, leaving Way to his solitude.

As Way sensed that Pete had left, he took his cigarette and pressed it down with his foot.

Way: "Time to have a party for one."

As Way realized Pete had left, he smirked and turned up the music. Grabbing a bottle of tequila, he poured himself a shot and downed it in one gulp. The liquid burned pleasantly down his throat, fueling his excitement.

With a carefree grin, Way began to dance around the room, letting the rhythm of the music guide his movements. He grabbed another bottle, this time vodka, and took a swig straight from the bottle. The alcohol warmed him from the inside out, and soon he was lost in the moment, laughing and dancing like there was no tomorrow.

With each sip, Way felt lighter and more carefree. He didn't need anyone else to have a good time. Tonight, it was just him, the music, and the alcohol, and he was going to make the most of it.

Meanwhile, Pete made his way to Phaya and Tharn's apartment, driven by a curious desire to observe their interactions. He wanted to ascertain the nature of their relationship and determine if they posed any threat to him.

As Pete was about to leave, someone suddenly grabbed him and pinned him against the door. The figure was much larger than Pete, imposing and formidable in stature.

"Who are you and why are you sneaking or eavesdropping on my brother's apartment?" the man demanded, his voice firm and authoritative.

Pete, feeling the pressure of the situation, quickly responded, "I... Who are you? I was not eavesdropping. I heard a noise, so I thought I would check."

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