Mood Swings 2 [Pete x Way]

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As the months passed, Way seemed to grow moodier, more stubborn, and occasionally rude. It made him quite challenging to be around, but Pete, ever patient, never raised his voice or sighed in front of Way. He chose to keep his feelings to himself, even though dealing with Way presented its difficulties.

Despite the challenges, Pete never wanted to reveal the struggle he faced with Way. However, there were moments that made it all worthwhile for Pete – those instances when he saw Way smile and heard his infectious chuckle. Those simple joys were all Pete ever asked for, and they made every effort worth it. 

Even though Pete couldn't afford to leave his responsibilities at work, he understood that Way was more important than any company. Determined to balance both, Pete transitioned to working from home. Most of his meetings were conducted online, allowing him to manage his professional obligations while being close to Way.

However, on a particular day, an important meeting had to take place at Pete's house. Despite acknowledging it as a potentially challenging situation, he had no choice but to proceed. The blend of personal and professional worlds was unavoidable, and Pete braced himself for the challenges ahead.

In the meeting:

Colleague: So, sir, I was saying that this is the main and important—

Pete: Keep it down, can you?

Colleague: You seem a bit distracted.

Pete: Actually, my husband is upstairs, and he's sleeping. I'm afraid he might wake up and make a scene.

Colleague: Oh, okay. We'll try to keep it down.

Pete: Thanks. Now, let's get back to the presentation.

Colleague: Okay, sir.

after an hour

Way: Pete, Peteeee, hubieee.

Pete's eyes went wide as he saw Way coming down with a sweater on and just a pair of small shorts, revealing all of his thighs and making him sexier than ever. Way had a little three-month belly that was cute and pointy.

Pete: (coughs) Way, go inside, I'll come.

Way: What do you mean? This is my house. Who are these?

Pete: I said go inside NOW.

Way's face spoke of impending tears, his mouth forming a sad shape.

Pete: No, no, wait, don't cry.[panic]

Way ran away to his room.

Pete: You all, please leave. I've got some stuff to work on. That's all for now.

As Pete rushed up to Way...

As Pete rushed up to Way's room, he found the door firmly shut. Knocking gently, he tried to reassure Way.

Pete: Way, it's me. Please open the door.

Way, now sulking, responded from behind the door.

Way: Why did you embarrass me like that?

Pete: I didn't mean to embarrass you, but we were in the middle of an important meeting, and you caught me off guard.

Way: I don't care about your stupid meetings. You should care more about me.

Pete: I do care about you, Way. But there's a time and place for everything.

Way: (crossing arms) I don't like your stupid colleagues. Why do you even have to work so much?

Pete sighed, realizing this was going to be one of those stubborn moments.

Pete: Way, I work hard for us, for our future.

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