LUNACY [pete xway]part 3

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Way: *reflects quietly* Sometimes it hurts... the numbness, the emptiness inside...

Way: *pauses, lost in thought* It's not easy for a bad person to become good again... the journey is long, filled with obstacles...

Way: *sighs softly* But it only takes a moment... just a single moment... for a good person to become hardened, rigid...

Way: *closes his eyes, feeling the weight of his words* We're all just one step away from darkness... one step away from losing ourselves...

Way: *opens his eyes, a sense of resignation in his gaze* I've seen it happen... I've felt it happen... and it terrifies me...

Way: *whispers to himself* But I won't let it happen to me... not again... not ever...

As Way wiped away his tears and stood up, he made his way out of the room, determined to put the painful confrontation behind him.

after 2 days

Meanwhile, Pete's mother had everything prepared for their honeymoon trip to Korea. Excitement filled the air as they prepared to depart, but Pete's mother couldn't help but notice the somber demeanor of Way.

 Pete's Mother: "Way, dear, is everything alright? You seem a bit quiet. Did Pete do something to upset you?"

Way: forcing a small smile "No, Mrs. Johnson, everything's fine. Pete didn't do anything."

Pete's Mother: concern evident in her voice "Are you sure, dear? You can tell me if something's bothering you."

Way: hesitates, then nods "I appreciate your concern, but really, it's nothing. Just lost in my thoughts, I suppose."

Pete's Mother: sighs softly "Alright, dear. Just remember, if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you."

Way: gives a grateful nod "Thank you, Mrs. Johnson. I'll keep that in mind."

as the departed 

Way: leaning back comfortably "Come on, Pete, it's not so bad. We'll survive a few hours together."

Pete: reluctantly taking his seat "Easy for you to say."

Pete: glancing sideways at Way, irritation evident in his voice "Could you chew any louder?"

Way: glancing at Pete with a hint of annoyance "Well, sorry if my chewing doesn't meet your high standards of etiquette, but I'm not exactly here to entertain you, am I?"

Pete: taken aback by the sharpness of Way's reply "I was just asking you to tone it down a bit."

Way: snorts "Yeah, well, maybe you should invest in some noise-canceling headphones if you're that sensitive."

Pete: frowning "Forget it, ugh

Way: leaning back in his seat, a smirk playing on his lips "Good. Because I'm not about to change my habits just to please you."

Pete: mutters to himself "Finally, a moment of peace..."

Way: drifts off to sleep, leaning onto Pete's shoulder

Pete: grimaces, trying to adjust his position to avoid the discomfort

Way: nudges against Pete once again, seeking a comfortable position

Pete: irritated, shoots a sharp glance at Way

Way: meets Pete's gaze briefly before looking away, feeling a flush of embarrassment

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