Mood swings [final][pete x way]

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Finally, Way is going to be free.

Pete: "If it's Way, then you're dead, Author."

Author: "What?"

Pete: "What do you mean what? I was the one who went through all the mood swings instead of him, and you're saying he will be free? It's me who will be free!"

Author: "Oh, darling Way."

Pete: "Okay, okay, I stoop."

Author: "Better, let's get started with this."


Babe: "Pete, why are you so nervous? It's like a month away, and you're nervous now."

Pete: "You just don't... He... I don't know."

Charlie: "Can you stop walking like this first?"

Sonic feeds Way popcorn.

Sonic: "Why is he this stressed?"

Way: "I don't know. You feed me the popcorn."

Sonic: "What the..."

Way: "I'm just looking, you two just do that."

North looks at Sonic and Way, who were eating popcorn and looking at Pete walking back and forth in nervousness.

North: "Why are you guys so weird?"

Way: "If you're saying that, I'm not mad."

North: "What do you mean?"

Sonic: "You're dumb, you won't get it."

North: "Wow, that's mean."

Babe: "Just like how you deserve it."

North: "Weren't you seeking Pete?"

Babe: "He won't stop, I am tired as heck. Bring me water."

North: "Am I your maid?"

Way: "No, you're not, but you look like one."

As the three of them laughed, Charlie said, "You all are laughing, and there he is, going to faint out of frustration. Way, stop him."

Way: "I don't know how."

Babe: "Leave him, he will stop once he's done being a pain in the ass."

Charlie: "You won't get it."

Babe: "What?"

Charlie: "Nothing."

Babe: "Why you gotta be rude?" As he pouted.

Charlie left.

Way: "Pete, calm down."

Pete: "You don't... What if you water broke? Now what if we have to go to the hospital? It's too much pressure. I can't."

Way: "Pete, enough! I told you, sit down. You're bothering me. What do you want from me? It's me who's going inside the room, not you. So stop this fit and let me enjoy the popcorn, Sonic."

Everyone was shocked. Pete stopped at Way's tantrum.

Sonic: "Good work. Here you go." As he fed him some popcorn.

Babe: "At least you stopped."

Pete: "Why is he so chill?"

Babe: "I don't know."

Charlie: "Babe."

Babe: "What?"

Charlie: "Here, you have some ice cream."

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