Make You Mine (Pete x Way)Part 3

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After about six hours, Pete returned with food. He saw Way sleeping and placed the food near his bed, then sat down beside him. Way, though awake, kept his eyes closed, thinking, This bitch is so near me. Might as well just give him what he wants. Way, get yourself together, WTF.

Pete sniffed Way, the smell of alcohol evident.

Way: Oh no, what should I do about the alcohol smell?

Pete's hand moved directly to Way's face, caressing him, then to his neck, grabbing it gently before moving to his chest. He twisted Way's nipple suddenly, but then he held his hand back.

Pete: "No, I can't do that. It's more fun when he's awake."

Way thought, Man, fuck you, you literally made me needy.

Pete: "Way, wake up. I brought you food."

Way opened his eyes, his forehead sweating due to his conflicted feelings. He tried not to meet Pete's gaze. Suddenly, Pete grabbed Way's chin, forcing him to look at him.

Pete: "You can't even meet my eyes? What, you hate me that much?"

Way: "I would hate you less if you removed that," he said, pointing to the chain on his foot.

Pete: "What are the chances that you will not run away?"

Way: "Whatever it is, there's no chance that I will stay here. I will run away the moment you open it. Even if you choke me to death, I would never like a person like you," he said, spitting on Pete.

Pete: "Fine, you want that?"

Pete grabbed Way's neck, choking him. Way struggled beneath Pete's big hands, holding out his hand to decrease the pressure, trying to breathe.

Way: "L-leave me..."

Pete: "You would rather be choked to death than like me?"

Way, coughing: "If I... cough... die... will you be... cough... able to live?" Suddenly, Pete's hand stopped pressing.

Way, smirking through his pain: "C'mon, do it. What stopped you?"

Pete's eyes flickered with uncertainty, his grip loosening as he grappled with his emotions. The reality of the situation hit him, but the twisted desire he felt for Way surged back with a vengeance. His grip on Way's neck remained,Way's body tensed under Pete's touch, a mix of fear, anger, and an unwilling attraction coursing through him

Pete: "You think you can just talk to me like that?" His voice was low, dangerous, but there was a hint of something else—something darker and more intimate.

Way: "Do your worst, Pete. It doesn't change the fact that I despise you."

Pete's grip tightened briefly before he released Way's neck entirely, his hand moving to cup Way's face instead. His thumb brushed over Way's lips, and he leaned in closer, their breaths mingling.

Pete: "Despise me all you want, Way. But your body... your body doesn't lie." His hand slid down Way's chest, lingering over his stomach before moving lower.

Way: "You think you can control me? You think you can make me want this?" His voice trembled with a mix of defiance and something he couldn't quite name.

Pete smirked, his eyes dark and filled with a dangerous kind of desire. "I think you already do, Way. I see it in your eyes, in the way you react to my touch."

Way's frustration and anger boiled over. "You're sick, Pete

Pete: "You keep saying that, but your body tells a different story. You're trembling, Way. And it's not just from fear." He leaned in, his lips grazing Way's ear. "Admit it. Part of you likes this. Part of you craves this."

Pete's hand tightened around Way's wrists, his lips brushing against Way's neck. "Then why aren't you fighting harder? Why aren't you screaming for help?"

Way turned his head, trying to avoid Pete's gaze, but Pete forced him to look into his eyes

Way's resolve broke under the intense pressure of conflicting emotions. Fuck it, I might just give in for now, he thought, surrendering to the overwhelming mix of fear, anger, and forbidden desire.

Way: "Fine, Pete. You want this? Then take it."

Without warning, Way chained his arms around Pete's neck and pulled him into a deep, aggressive kiss. Pete, momentarily taken aback, quickly reciprocated, their lips crashing together

Pete's hands roamed over Way's body, gripping him tightly, while Way's fingers tangled in Pete's hair, pulling him closer. The room was filled with the sound of their heavy breathing and the rustling of clothes as Pete's shirt was hastily discarded, revealing his toned torso.

Pete's hands moved to Way's hips, pulling him closer. Way could feel the heat radiating from Pete's body, his skin warm and smooth under his fingers. Despite his hatred for Pete,

Pete: "See, Way? This is where you belong. With me."

Way: "Shut up, Pete. Just kiss me."

Pete: "You can't deny it, Way. This... whatever this is between us... it's real."

Way's hands moved to Pete's belt, his fingers deftly unbuckling it and sliding it off. Pete responded by unbuttoning Way's pants, pushing them down in one swift motion. Soon, both were stripped down to their underwear, the last barriers between them.

Their kisses grew more desperate, more demanding, Way's hands roamed lower, fingers grazing the waistband of Pete's underwear before slipping inside, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from Pete.

Pete: "God, Way..."

Way's movements were purposeful, every touch designed to elicit a reaction from Pete. He felt a thrill of power at the way Pete's body responded to him, at the way Pete's breath hitched and his muscles tensed under Way's touch.

Pete: "Look at me, Way."

Way's eyes met Pete's, the intensity in Pete's gaze sending a jolt of electricity through him.

Pete's hands slid down Way's back, gripping his hips and lifting him slightly. The sensation of Pete's body against his own, the heat and hardness of him, sent a shiver of anticipation through Way.

Way: "Do it, Pete."

Pete's hands tightened on Way's hips, positioning him as he pressed forward. The initial sensation was a mix of pain and pleasure,

Way's breath hitched, and he moaned, his body overwhelmed by the intensity of their encounter. But suddenly, a flash of anger surged through him. He grabbed a bottle from the nearby table and, with a swift, desperate motion, smashed it against Pete's head. The glass shattered, and Pete collapsed onto Way, dazed and bleeding.

Way pushed Pete off him with an annoyed grunt, frustration bubbling to the surface. He quickly searched Pete's pockets, his hands shaking with a mix of adrenaline and anger. To his dismay, he found no keys, only a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

Way: "Fuck you, Pete. Where the hell are the keys?"

In a fit of frustration, Way took out a cigarette and lit it, inhaling deeply to steady his nerves. He exhaled a cloud of smoke, his mind racing as he tried to figure out his next move.

Way: "At least you're not dead. But how the fuck can I escape this place?"

He looked around the room, searching for any potential escape routes. The windows were barred, and the door was locked tight

Way's voice echoed in the quiet night air, his words laced with defiance and determination.

Way: in this story, You're the beauty, and I'm the beast."

He smirked, his gaze flickering to Pete's unconscious form on the floor. His eyes burned with intensity as he looked at Pete.something darker simmering beneath the surface

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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