His Villian [Kenta x Kim]SPECIAL EPISODE

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"Love is infinite, and so are we."

Kim slept while Kenta worked. It's been a year since those terrible events they went through. But after that, everything in Kenta and Kim's life turned luscious and beautiful

Kim interrupted Kenta, deep in his work.

Kim: "Baby..."

Kenta: "Yeah?"

Kim tried to call Kenta with a cute hand movement.

Kenta: "You want me to come?"

Kim: "Yeah."

Kim may seem tough and strict on the outside, but beneath that exterior lies a vulnerable side. Deep down, Kim is like a soft, cuddly bunny, yearning for all the love and affection that Kenta can offer. It's a contrast between the tough shell and the desire for warmth and care.

Kenta, sensing Kim's softer side, wrapped his arms around him in a warm embrace.Kenta: "You know, you don't have to be all hardcore all the time."Kim snuggled up to Kenta, Kenta, feeling the sincerity in Kim's words, looked into his eyes with deep affection.

Kenta: "You mean everything to me, Kim. Your real self, the hardcore, and the cuddle bunny – I cherish it all."

Kim, feeling the love, pressed a soft kiss on Kenta's cheek.

Kim: "I'm glad I have you, Kenta. You make everything feel right."

Kim, gazing into Kenta's eyes, let out a soft chuckle.

Kim: "You've got a way of making my heart race, Kenta. Maybe I should thank you properly for embracing both sides. 

Kenta and Kim, in the midst of their casual banter, locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. The laughter faded, and a more profound connection took its place.

Kenta, looking deeply into Kim's eyes, spoke from the heart.

Kenta: "Kim, you make me complete. It's like everything falls into place when I'm with you. I wouldn't want it any other way."

the scene was about to get heated but..

North: "Ahem! Sorry to break up the love fest, but we need some air in here!"

Sonic, with a smirk, added: "Didn't mean to interrupt the romance, but it was getting a bit too steamy in here. Ventilation, folks!"

Kim: "What the fuck are you guys doing here?

Kim, seething with irritation, muttered to himself, regret coloring his words.

Kim: "Damn it, why did I give them my apartment keys? Stupid move."

Sonic: "Hey, chill, Kim. We're not here to invade your space. Babe asked us to drop by and let you know about your next race schedule."

kim: just keep it on the table and leave

Sonic nonchalantly placed the schedule on the table and couldn't resist a teasing remark.

Sonic: "Well, well, looks like someone's lovey-dovey time is getting in the way of the race schedule."

Kim irritated, shot up from the couch, glaring at Sonic. North, sensing trouble, grabbed Sonic by the arm, and they both made a quick escape, laughter trailing behind them.

Kim: "You better watch it, Sonic!"

Kenta: "Come on, Kim, they were just playing around. No need to-"

Kim, cutting Kenta off with a sharp tone, snapped:

Kim: "Shut your mouth, Kenta.

 Kenta scratched his head in confusion, watching as the seemingly harmless bunny, Kim, transformed into a lion with a fierce demeanor. The sudden shift left Kenta bewildered, unsure of what was happening in front of him.

Kim is Kim guys lol

just a small cute convo between them 

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