I DO [North x Sonic]Wedding Special

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"And suddenly, all love songs were about you."

"North was feeding Sonic when suddenly his hand mistakenly touched the grill, causing him to hiss in pain. Sonic, who was comfortably eating, panicked at seeing North hurt and went for his hand to check if it was any worse.

Sonic: "I told you to be careful! Why are you so clumsy? Look, now it's burned." As he blew on the wound, he continued scolding, "You're always like this, careless, just caring for me. What about you? Don't spoil me; you're my boyfriend, not a caretaker. Does it hurt a lot? It burns, doesn't it?" (still blowing)

While Sonic was scolding North, North just smiled, looking at Sonic with all the love as if Sonic's scolding were a love poem. His words were silent, and his face was all Sonic could see.

North: "Your touch is enough to heal me."

Sonic, who had been scolding North just moments before, suddenly fell silent. Their eyes met, and in that silent exchange, emotions spoke louder than words ever could.

Sonic: "Don't love me that hard."

North: "If I can, I will."

Sonic: "North!"

3 days later [saturday]

Sonic: "So, you're saying I have to go to Phuket from here?"

Jeff: "Yeah."

Sonic: "Jeff!"

Jeff: "Look, Sonic, talk to your uncle. I have no addition in this. Babe and Charlie are busy, Way is out of the city, and Alan has a meeting with Pete. It's you who can bring that."

Sonic: "Bring what? What is so important that I have to bring it here?"

Jeff: "Just trust me, it's really precious to us."

Sonic: "Fine, I'll go. Send me the location. Where should I receive it, and who will give it?"

Jeff: "I'll send you the location and all the info."

Sonic: "Ugh, why me?"

Sonic: "Where is North, Jeff? I didn't see him today since the morning. He left early from my room as well."

Jeff: "Ummm, ahh, he's gone for his car service, yeah."

Sonic: "Wasn't that three days ago? Uncle said."

Jeff: "Whatever he had to again. Can you leave now, or you won't reach there on time?"

Sonic: "Okay, weird. Jeff never acts so suspiciously."

Jeff: "Okay, guys, we're clear. I thought he would definitely kill me with those phantom eyes he was giving. What's wrong with him? He has started acting all mature in front of us."

North: "IDK, maybe because of me."

Babe: "Hey, don't think like that. You're going to ask him to be yours for your whole life. You were sure that's why you are doing all of this. Don't question yourself, okay, stupid."

Charlie: "Babe, only if you had given us this importance, we would have three kids by now."

North: [took a big sigh] "Okay, let's do this."

[Mind you, they were on a video call.]

Meanwhile, Sonic was now at the location Jeff gave him. He had flown there, reaching in just 3 hours.

Sonic: "Why a beach? Lol, what's so important here?"

Sonic was looking around when a small, cute baby girl came to Sonic and handed him something.

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