Daddy issues [Winner x Dean]

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The story belongs to me it represents what Yuri is so please read at your own risk it may trigger some of you cause I know this is not just me 


Kim: Could you please stop being so stubborn around everyone? Why are you so obsessed with winning? Second place isn't bad; you're doing well.

Winner: I just want to win. That's all I want, at any cost—even if it means killing, babe.

Kim, taken aback, slapped Winner.

Winner: You want a piece of me? Fine. Watch this.

Winner slammed his bag outside the garage and walked away.

Kim: What's his problem?

Winner: Why? What's the problem? Why can't I just win? I want that trophy. That's all.

As Winner looked at his reflection, he stared blankly, devoid of any emotion, as if he never had any. He gazed at himself with self-loathing, expressing a desire to end it all.

 Can't you secure the first place? Maybe you should consider quitting racing. You'll never get better; you'll never be the first. It's your fault you're not good at this. This is all you can do. Shame on you. Why is he better? You should be better.


Winner suddenly broke into a loud shout, surrounded by the haunting questions that served as reminders of what his father always demanded—winning at all costs. These questions, echoing in his head, were worsening his mental health, already in a precarious state.

Kim knocked on the bathroom door.

Kim: Hey, let's put a stop to this. We have to practice. Can you stop sulking around? If you want to win, you should practice 

POV[winner when he was 10 years old]

Winner: Papa, I won second place in the speech competition today. The teacher praised me, and Mom suggested that I should participate in it again.

Father: Don't participate again. If you came in second, it's not worth it. You're not that good; the others were better.

Winner: But papa...

Father: Stop wasting your time on things that are not important. Let's start taking extra English classes this month, okay? Your English had an A- in this exam. You will always be a loser if you don't concentrate on your studies. Remember, I named you WINNER for a reason. You have to win always.


"You couldn't even teach him properly. What else will you do? Just shut up and leave. I don't want you to see, a woman like you can never guide a mentally fucked and weak boy like him. He's no use to my image. Everybody laughs at me for having a troubled boy like him. Everyone else's kids are thriving, energetic, and brighter. And your boy, he's always in his room as if someone took away his spirit. He's not good in studies, of course, he won't be, because he's a son of a bitch like you. Is he even my son?"

"What are you saying? He is your son. Why are you so harsh on him? He's just 14. Being slow is not a weakness. That's all. Our son is a thousand times better than—"

[Father slapped Winner's mother]

Suddenly, Winner went up to his father and stood in front of him, preventing him from trying to hurt his mom.

"Look at this boy. He's looking at me like an enemy, you little rebel!" As he pushed Winner away, he bumped into a door, and his forehead started bleeding.

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