The Time When You Were Mine[northx sonic]

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"Have you ever loved so deeply that after that love, you can't love again? Sonic loved like there was no one else that existed. When Sonic saw North, he saw no one else; North was his world. However, when North saw Sonic, he saw everyone except Sonic. He saw everyone besides the one who was looking at him. He refused to acknowledge Sonic, and that is North's mistake right there. He went the wrong way, a path from which he can never come back.

Way and Pete were both sitting in the lounge when Pete noticed Way lost in deep thoughts. Way's face reflected the depth of his contemplation. After calling him several times, Pete gently placed his hand on Way's thigh.

Way responded, "Yeah, what's wrong?" [Way phased back to reality]

Pete asked, "What's bothering you? Those deep thoughts, where are they coming from? Are you okay?"

Way replied, "Yeah, I am fine. I am just thinking."

Pete urged, "Tell me about it."

Way shared, "I was thinking about how much someone could get hurt that they feel nothing anymore. They feel absolutely nothing. How much do you have to go through to even get scared of your own breath or a door creak? How can your trust be broken so badly that you don't even trust yourself?"

Pete comforted, "Hey, Way baby, why are you thinking these things? What's wrong?" As Pete made Way get closer to him.

Way continued, "I am fine. It's about Sonic. It's about him. It's been three days since he's here. Whenever I go to the room, he just stares at everything blankly. He doesn't speak. He's living like a doll, just seated at one place and staring at a blank wall. That's all. Things as small as my breath scare the life out of him. From time to time, he asks me if he is okay with what he is doing. It's like a loop for him every day, and no one is really helping him to get out of that loop."

Pete reassured, "I don't know what happened to him, but whatever North did to him, I promise, I promise you my life that I will not leave him for making Sonic like this. Okay? I know he's in a really difficult situation. Whatever he's going through must be a mountain for him, but the only thing we can do is support him. He's the only one who can make himself stand again. And you, you should stop thinking so negatively, okay? That's not good. You're allowed to be worried, but you're not allowed to scare the life out of yourself like this. I was seriously concerned by our conversation, okay, Way?"

Way responded, "Hmm, okay."

As they heard some steps:

Way asked, "Sonic, you're here. Do you want something? Can I get you something?"

Sonic replied, "Outside," as he looked at the garden, his eyes sparkling, his face still blank, and his prettiness still there.

Way said, "You want to go outside? Let's go then."

Sonic asked, "Really? I can go?" with a promising look.

Way assured, "Yeah, why are you asking? It's just outside."

Sonic hesitated, "I am not allowed to go out."

Way's heart broke when he heard Sonic say something like this.

Way comforted, "From now on, you can do whatever you want to."

Pete added, "Yeah, you want to go outside? Let's go then. Let's have a small picnic, shall we?"

Sonic asked, "Picnic?"

Way affirmed, "Yes, that's a good idea."

Sonic excitedly said, "I want that."

Pete suggested, "Okay then, let's go. I'll just tell Maid to get us some picnic food, okay?"

Way agreed, "That's right. Let's go, Sonic."

Here is a revised version of your passage with corrections and improvements:

As they were sitting outside, Sonic was just looking around, not much for anyone but a lot for Sonic.

Way said, "Are you feeling good? If you feel like something to eat, then tell me. I've got a lot of snacks hidden from Pete; he forbids me from them, but I still eat them."

Sonic nodded, saying, "Okay."

Way sighed, "Hey Sonic, what's wrong? Why are you like this? I'm saying this as a friend. Please, I'm really worried. I want to see some, just a little, will to live. Can you do that for me? Can you?"

Sonic reluctantly said, "Okay."

Way closed his eyes in frustration and sighed when he saw Sonic answering like a robot.

Way told everyone everything, and they came to see Sonic, but at that time, they didn't want to make Sonic feel embarrassed or occupied.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the backyard.

It was Babe who came to visit with Charlie.

Babe exclaimed, "Ahhh, so tired!"

Way greeted them, saying, "Babe, you're here! Charlie!"

As Way went to greet them, Babe asked, "How is he?"

Way shook his head, indicating no improvement. For information, Alan is reporting North, but North has not been caught yet.

Babe turned to Sonic, asking, "How are you?"

Charlie greeted, "Hi, how are you guys doing?"

Sonic's steps became fast-paced, and he went back inside without greeting anyone.

Babe looked down when he saw what happened. Way and Babe had a small talk, and then both of them left. As Babe was leaving, he felt a presence nearby, but when he turned, there was no one there. So, he thought it was just his imagination.

''How can your trust be broken so badly that you don't even trust yourself''

Just two things: How do you want the end? The end is not near, but still, happy or sad, it's your choice.

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