Eternity Love [BABE X CHARLIE]

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At times, the weight of our mistakes can only be truly understood when the chance for reconciliation is no longer possible. Whether in love, friendship, or family bonds, acknowledging our errors and seeking forgiveness is crucial. We often underestimate the significance of these relationships until they are altered or lost. The moral underscores the value of timely apologies, the fragility of connections, and the importance of cherishing and nurturing the bonds we hold dear, recognizing that some mistakes can be rectified, but time may not always be on our side

The chapter is written with my utmost emotion, as I experienced something really similar like babe Instead for him it was his love for me, it was my best friend. When she treated me as nothing, I saw her as the only angel in my eyes.

Charlie: Babe, why are you saying that my intentions are wrong? You don't understand how much I am trying.

Babe: To protect me, right? But Charlie, no. If I can't do something I love, then I am better off dead.

Charlie: Babe...

Babe: That's it, Charlie. I am not arguing about this anymore. I'm going back on the racetrack, and that's it.

Charlie: No, babe, no. Can you please just think about me for once?

Babe: What do you mean? I am considerate of you. If I wasn't, you wouldn't be here in the first place, okay?

Charlie: Babe...

Babe: Charlie, you just don't want me to take the place you're shining in. That's it. If I am back on track, it will take back the lead, and you will no longer stand in first place. That's the reason, right?

Charlie: P'Babe, you can't say that. When I have done so much for you, you're misunderstanding my intention. I just want you to be safe. Why would I think to take your place when I know I can't and will never think of it? Are you really doubting me on a position, really, babe?

P'Babe: Yeah, I am. I am disappointed, Charlie, in you and your thoughts.

charlie: babe 

babe went out to the racetrack where everyone was preparing for the race not giving cjarlie more chance to talk  being the stubborn human he is

Babe: (storming towards the car, hollow) Enough of this, Charlie. I need to do what I love.

Charlie: Babe, wait! You can't just—

Babe: No more arguments, Charlie. I'm going back on the racetrack.

(Babe slides into the sleek racing car, the engine roaring to life. The intensity of the moment hangs in the air.)

Babe: Time to reclaim what I've been denied for too long.

(On the other side, Charlie, despite the emotional turmoil, gears up for the race. The engines roar as the cars line up.)

Charlie: Maybe this is the only way to make you understand.

(The race begins. Babe maneuvers skillfully, each turn a dance between speed and control. The wind whispers past, drowning out the world.)

Babe: This is where I belong.

(Meanwhile, Charlie pushes his car to the limits, trying to find solace in the speed, attempting to escape the weight of their recent confrontation. Suddenly, tragedy strikes.)

Charlie: (frantically) No, no, no! The brakes won't respond!

(Spectators gasp as Charlie's car veers off course, crashing into a barrier. The dust settles, leaving a stunned silence.)

Babe: (unaware of the accident) Victory is within reach.

(As Babe crosses the finish line, Alan, his uncle, communicates the shocking news through the headset.)

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