Given-Taken [charlie x babe]

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Thousands of doubts behind me

There are tens of thousands of distrusts behind me

But I am going now I am following my dreams

Drive through the question of life


The sun beats down on the asphalt, shimmering in the heat as engines roar to life. The air is charged with anticipation as Babe, a fearless racer, sits in the driver's seat, hands gripping the steering wheel. The crowd's excitement is palpable as the race begins.


(over loudspeaker)

And they're off! Babe takes an early lead, pushing the limits of speed and skill.

Babe weaves through the pack, expertly navigating the twists and turns of the racetrack. The roar of engines surrounds, creating a symphony of horsepower and determination.

ALAN (over headset)

You're looking good, Babe! Keep it steady.

Babe's focus is unwavering, eyes fixed on the road ahead. The laps blur together as the competition intensifies. The pit crew watches with bated breath, calculators and stopwatches in hand.


(to teammates)

Babe's got this. Just a few more laps!

As the final lap approaches, Babe's car accelerates, leaving competitors in the rearview mirror. The checkered flag is in sight, victory within grasp.


It's going to be a photo finish! Babe takes the lead, crossing the finish line!

The crowd erupts in cheers, and the pit crew rushes to greet the triumphant racer. Babe climbs out of the car, a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration on their face.

alan: my king of Hallow you did it again, Babe! That was an incredible race!

Babe holds up the trophy, a symbol of a hard-fought victory. 

The victory celebrations are in full swing as Babe, the jubilant racer, and Charlie, the two steal glances, their eyes speaking volumes.

As the excitement reaches its peak, Babe playfully approaches Charlie, a mischievous grin on their face. Without hesitation, Babe jumps onto Charlie's lap, wrapping their arms around their neck. The XHunter Crew gasps, followed by a burst of laughter and cheers.



Guess this is my favorite part of the victory.



Well, who am I to argue with a champion's wishes?

The onlookers, crew members, and spectators alike cheer even louder as Babe and Charlie share a lighthearted moment of affection. Charlie returns the embrace, the bond between them evident in the victory celebration.

after the race

BABE (glancing around) Hey, has anyone seen Charlie?

SONIC (looking up from his toolbox) Not since the race ended

Haven't seen Charlie around. Maybe taking care of some stuff

After a while, when Babe saw that Charlie still had not arrived, he went on a search to find him. When he located Charlie, he discovered him sitting alone in deep thought. gazing at the stars. A mix of relief and guilt washes over Babe. Babe felt genuinely sorry for ignoring Charlie after the race. He realized he might have been unreasonable in their love, and he should try a little more.

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