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Hello, y'all! It's your author, Yuri, bursting with excitement to have a little chit-chat with all of you lovely readers. 🌟✨ First and foremost, I've got this quirky idea bouncing in my head – what if we kickstart a review book? Picture this: I'll spill the tea on the BL series, unravel the plots, and sprinkle it with my unique flair. It's kind of my thing, you know? So, should we dive into this adventure together? Let me know!

Now, onto my second thought bubble – I'm opening the floor to a Q&A session! Have any burning questions about what I'm cooking up? Go ahead, ask away! 🤔💬

Oh, and here's a little observation I made (cue cute curiosity): lots of reads, but only a sprinkle of comments! Your comments are like the sprinkle of magic that keeps me writing the best stories every day. I adore them! 📚💖

Lastly, I've got the warm fuzziest thoughts of everyone who enjoys my stories as a part of this crazy, fictional family of ours. So, until the next update rolls around, sending love and sparkles your way! ✨💕 Goodbye, for now, my awesome readers! 🌈👋

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