Mood swings 2 [alanxjeff]part 3

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Alan and Jeff both went to the garage. Alan had a few things to do, and he wanted to adjust his schedule as well. One thing was for sure, though - he was not as careful as Pete was, and Way did notice it quite a lot. While Way thought that he might be the problem, he became clear since this happened.

Alan: "I told you to stop having the juice box, but you insisted on having it. Now, see what happened. I told you, Jeff, it's not good for you. Now, go and sit inside. Don't come outside; you might trip over something. It's to be safe."

Way: "Hey, hey, hey, stop right there, unclear! Why talk like that to him? Come here, Jeff, let's go."

Alan: "Make him stay there. He follows me around."

Way: "I should stop you right here, Uncle. What do you think you are doing? Who told you to raise your voice over Jeff?"

Alan: "I..."

Way: "No, no, I am not listening. You know how much of a hard time he is going through just because of your behavior. You are the father!"

Alan: "Listen to me, Way, first."

Way: "I ain't listening. If I see you one more time scolding Jeff or raising your voice, I might as well take him back home with me. If you think he is a bother in your work, let me tell you, I have a house with 8 bedrooms, and I have no problem having Jeff as a brother for the next whole year. So if you want that, do what you did today. I am not letting him come see you again, Uncle."

Alan: "..."

Way: "Yeah, that's what I thought. Let's go, Jeff. We're going to do some baby shopping, as someone has worked and is too busy to even care for his baby and husband."

Alan: "Listen, come back. It's not what it looks like, eh, Way?"

As they went shopping and Way dropped Jeff off at their apartment...

Way: "Try to ignore him so he gets a lesson."

Jeff: "How?"

Way: "Just give him the silent treatment."

Jeff: "Hmm, okay. Bye-bye."

Way: "Yeah, bye."

As Way drove away...

Way: "He's not going to do it, and I know that."

Jeff: "Alan! Alan!"

Alan: "You're back from shopping?"

Jeff: "Yup! I bought a lot of stuff. See these cute cat ear caps and pajamas? So adorable!"

Suddenly, Alan grabbed Jeff's hand, gently caressing him.

Alan: "Do you feel the same way that I'm not treating you fair, just like Way said?"

Jeff: "Why do you ask that?"

Alan: "Nothing, it's just..."

Jeff: "It's just that you think you're being hard on me, but I know you mean well." [smiles]

Alan: "You think so?"

Jeff: "Yes, I do. I think you're trying your best because no man would burn his hand just to make someone honeycomb candy."

Alan: "Thank you, Jeff, for being understanding."

Jeff: "You've got me. And now we have a little one on the way as well, so we should understand each other."

Alan: "I thought it would be difficult, but you make it easy every time. Every single time."

Jeff: "Because you've made my life something I never imagined, so I want that for you as well."

Alan kissed Jeff.

Alan: "I'll get you something to eat."

Jeff: "Um..."

Alan: "I know, something sweet."

[Fun fact: My mom says that in these days, in reality as well, if you get cravings that are like savory and sour things, then it's a boy. And if it's something sweet, like honey or ice cream, then it's a girl. On the other side, my mom drank just Sprite for 9 months because she threw up every single thing when I was on my way, so I am almost made of just Sprite, lol.]

After Jeff ate something, they went to bed. After about 2 hours, Alan was sleeping soundly, but Jeff, on the other hand, was unable to sleep. He tossed and turned, trying to find a comfortable position, but sleep eluded him.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, Jeff gently nudged Alan, whispering that he couldn't sleep. Alan, groggily waking up, immediately sensed Jeff's restlessness and sat up.

Alan: "What's wrong, Jeff? Can't sleep?"

Jeff nodded, looking slightly frustrated.

Alan: "Come here."

Alan pulled Jeff closer, wrapping his arms around him. They lay there in silence for a moment, the only sound in the room being their soft breathing.

Alan: "Is it the baby?"

Jeff nodded again.

Jeff: "I just... I can't stop thinking about it. I want everything to be perfect, you know? But what if we're not ready? What if I'm not ready?"

Alan tightened his embrace, planting a gentle kiss on Jeff's forehead.

Alan: "Hey, it's okay. We'll figure it out together. We might not have all the answers, but we'll learn as we go. And we have each other, that's what matters the most."

They talked for quite a while about the baby - their hopes, fears, and plans for the future. Alan reassured Jeff, reminding him of their love and commitment to each other.

Eventually, Jeff's eyelids grew heavy, and he started to drift off to sleep, feeling comforted by Alan's presence beside him.

Alan: "Goodnight, my love."

Jeff: "Goodnight, Alan. I love you."

Early in the morning, Alan woke up to the sound of Jeff tossing and turning beside him. Groggily, he rubbed his eyes and tried to make sense of what was happening.

Alan: "Jeff, what's wrong?"

But before Jeff could respond, he suddenly erupted into a full-blown tantrum.

Jeff: "Alan, how could you sleep for so long?! Do you have any idea what time it is?!"

Alan blinked, taken aback by the sudden outburst.

Alan: "Uh, no, I didn't check the time. What's wrong, Jeff?"

Jeff: "What's wrong?! I've been lying here awake for hours while you've been snoring like a bear! I can't believe you!"

Alan: "I'm sorry, Jeff. I didn't realize..."

But Jeff wasn't finished.

Jeff: "And don't even get me started on your snoring! It's like sleeping next to a freight train!"

Alan winced, feeling a pang of guilt mixed with amusement.

Alan: "I promise I'll try to be quieter next time."

Jeff huffed, crossing his arms in frustration.

Jeff: "You better."

Alan sighed, realizing that Jeff's mood swings were starting to kick in.

Alan: "Oh boy, here come the mood swings. Looks like my suffering starts now."

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