Me or the PS5 [north x sonic]

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Me or the PS5
Tell me which of us is more your type?
Seems like you can't decide

SONG BY = Salem Ilese[ft. TXT and Alan Walker]

"I have seen boys giving time to other things like PS5, his phone, or anything but me. But then, I realized that when he wants attention, I am not there, so he just gives up. It's neither his fault nor my fault; it's the fault of the devices we have in our houses—our phones, PCs, Xbox, and all those gaming consoles. And then we wonder why our parents got the time to have us, cause they were onto something different than a gaming console. Am I right? You will probably agree. I've seen balance in life as well when he goes shopping with me and I play games with him. That's how it's done: the balance of love and life that keeps us going. Those who don't do this, then don't say you're single. You deserve to stay single."[SORRY IF IT WAS  GETTING TO PERSONAL BUT YEAH ]

"It was North's 24th birthday, and Sonic gifted him a PS5. He had wanted it for so long but always ended up not buying it, just kept dreaming about it and nagging Sonic that he would get it if he had money and this and that. Finally, Sonic bought it for him because he knew this guy wouldn't buy it and would bother Sonic about it.

It's been 2 weeks since then, and North has been ignoring Sonic and acting like a brat, although he is 24. He is just as big of a baby. Although most of the time Sonic matches his energy, Sonic is more mature than both of them.

Sonic kept calling North, but North continued to ignore him, engrossed in his game. Frustrated, Sonic decided to take matters into his own hands. He approached North and, with a mischievous grin, swiftly pulled North's ear.

Sonic: Hey, North, are you even listening to me?

[North continues playing his game, ignoring Sonic completely.]

Sonic: Seriously, dude, you've been glued to that screen for hours.

[North still doesn't respond, fully absorbed in the game.]

Sonic: Alright, fine, you asked for it!

[Sonic sneakily approaches North and gives his ear a playful tug.]

North: Hey! What was that for?

[North pauses the game, looking at Sonic with a mix of surprise and annoyance.]

Sonic: Just trying to get your attention, Mr. Gamer. You've been in your own world for too long.

[North can't help but chuckle at Sonic's antics.]

North: You're such a goofball, Sonic. Alright, you got me. What do you want?

Sonic: Just wanted to remind you that there's a real world outside that virtual one. Let's do something fun together!

North: Yeah, just an hour, I promise.

Sonic: Alright, I'll hold you to that!

[North gives Sonic a playful punch on the shoulder before returning to his game.]

Sonic: [smirking] One hour, North. Don't make me come back here and drag you away from that console!

[North laughs and waves Sonic off, fully intending to keep his word this time.]

[North continues playing, completely unaware of Sonic's frustration building up. Hours pass, and it's now nighttime. Sonic, feeling increasingly irritated by North's disregard for their agreement, finally decides to confront him.]

Sonic: [calling out] North! I said just an hour, remember?

[North remains engrossed in his game, oblivious to Sonic's attempts to get his attention.]

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