LUNACY [pete x way ]

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 As Way kissed Pete again and again, Pete got lost in his desire. Way's body was every man's dream, and now that Pete had him here begging for it, he really didn't want to deny himself.

Pete: I'll ask this just one last time; don't blame me. Do I have your consent to do this?

Way: Do it right now, I agree. Yes, yes, please!

Pete: Then you're mine tonight. [His eyes turned dark.]

As Pete removed everything from Way, leaving him completely naked, his small and sweet figure needy and clenching, giving Pete a damn hard time.

Pete moved between Way, lifting his body up, giving him kisses all over his face, giving Way a lot of a hard time.

Pete: Now let's see if you can take everything I have. [Whispering.]

Way: Fuck me, Pete, fuck me.

Pete moved between Way's legs, running his hands all over Way's chest and nipples as he kissed Way's nipples, seeing Way hiss and moan just by a kiss. Pete started to bite and nudge Way's pink and rosy nipples, making Way go crazy, clenching the bedsheet. It was as if he was eating Way all over. As Pete sucked Way's nipples, he prepared to enter him. As Way felt Pete's erection pressed over him, his moan went electrifyingly fast. Suddenly, Pete puts a hand over Way's mouth, not giving him the chance to moan. Way tried to remove Pete's hand, but Pete's big hands were just no match for Way. Suddenly, Pete pushed forward, claiming Way as completely his. Way, who was not ready for this, screamed in pain as Pete didn't give him any chance to adjust and just started pumping without any pause.

Way: Ahh, fuck, fuck!

His body shaking with the pleasure and pain both at the same time from what he never imagined. Pete bit his lip as he says, Way rolls and twitches. He keeps thrusting without any pause and care of Way's comfort. Pete's eyes glazed with the desire of dominance and lust as he lifts Way up, biting his shoulder. Way's eyes wide open as he realized how he said that he has been fucked better when no one could ever give him this treatment.

Way gulped as he looked straight into Pete's dark and gloomy eyes.

Pete: You like that, don't you? You want me to fuck you senseless even though this hurts you. You like it, right? His voice hoarse and heavy.

Way [breathing heavily]: Ah, I... I...

Pete: You're mine, and I will do whatever I want with you.

Way twitched as he saw Pete's dominance. He could do nothing in front of him. He wanted him as Pete.

As Pete picked up space again, not having any mercy on Way at all, driving deeper and harder inside Way, giving Way the chills inside.

Way: Fuck me, Pete, deeper, deeper, more, Pete. [Gasps hardly.]

Pete: That's it, say mine like that, say it like that. [Pete smirks.]

As Pete grabbed Way's hair while digging deeper inside him, not giving him a chance to speak, and only moaning was there, the sounds of skin slapping each other.

Suddenly, Pete slowed his pace down.

Pete: Remember, you said you have been fucked better, right? What do you want now, Way? What do you want? What am I?

Way: I want you, I want you.

Pete: Say that again, my slave, beg for it.

Way: Give me, Pete, you're my husband... yeah, yeah.

Pete chuckled, smirking.

As Pete held Way by his neck, forcing him down his chest, his mouth dragging across Pete's body.

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