LUNACY [Pete x way]part 5

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As the sun bathed both Way and Pete's faces in gentle warmth, Way stirred awake without a sound, hesitant to meet Pete's gaze. He knew he had made a mistake, a big one this time, and the weight of his actions bore heavy on his mind. Every detail of the night before flooded back to him, haunting his thoughts. How could he forget, how could he surrender himself to someone like Pete, who cared for nothing beyond his own desires? Yet, amidst the confusion, a voice within him yearned for love, conflicting with the reality of his fleeting desires.

Quietly, Way dressed himself and left, stealing a final glance at the room before departing. "It was just desire, there was no love," he murmured to himself as he hailed a taxi, his nail bitten in nervous anticipation.

As Way's figure disappeared, Pete stirred awake, his consciousness reluctantly returning. He had been awake all along, but he avoided facing Way after their night together, uncertain of what to expect. He half-expected Way to erupt in anger and resentment, but instead, Way's quiet departure and admission that it was merely desire left Pete with a hollow realization. Any hope of something more between them evaporated into the morning air.

Pete sat in silence for a while, contemplating the emptiness that now filled the room. Eventually, he settled the bill and left, driving aimlessly until he reached his destination—a sizable house that exuded an air of authority.

He approached the door, knocking and ringing the bell repeatedly until the person he sought emerged.

"I told you, you broke his heart. I will break your face," Pete declared, his voice calm yet charged with menace.

The recipient of his threat, Winner, hesitated, startled by Pete's sudden appearance.

"How did you find my house?" Winner stammered, his voice betraying his fear.

"You underestimated me," Pete replied coolly, pushing Winner inside and closing the door behind him.

Winner attempted to assert himself, threatening to call the police, but Pete remained unfazed.

"If you come near him again, I will call the police," Winner warned.

"Why are you scared? Did I do something ?" Pete retorted, his calm demeanor unnerving Winner.

As he revealed a hammer from his back, Pete's demeanor remained eerily calm as he swiftly struck Winner's face, causing him to collapse. With ruthless determination, Pete continued to rain down blows upon Winner, each strike shattering bone and splattering blood across Pete's face. Despite the gruesome scene unfolding before him, Pete's expression remained unchanged as he meticulously carried out his brutal assault.

After rendering Winner unrecognizable, Pete dragged his battered body to the nearest fan and hung him upon it. With a chilling sense of detachment, Pete proceeded to clean himself up, washing away the blood and donning a suit belonging to Winner. He meticulously erased any trace of his presence, disposing of his bloodied clothes and cleaning the scene of the crime.

Surveying his handiwork with a sinister smile, Pete addressed Winner's lifeless form with a cold satisfaction. "You played with him; I played with your face," he declared, a gleam of malice in his eyes. With a final taunt, Pete whispered, "Meet you in hell."

Pete walked out of the house, his steps slow and deliberate, a haunting melody escaping his lips as he whistled softly. Making his way back to his car, he was momentarily interrupted by a small girl who bumped into him.

"Sorry, uncle. I didn't see you. Sorry," the girl apologized with wide eyes.

Bending down to her level, Pete reassured her with a gentle smile. "Don't worry, kiddo. You're not hurt, right?"

The girl shook her head, her expression relieved.

"That's good. When you play, remember to look around, okay? Good girl," Pete said, patting her head affectionately.

With a joyful giggle, the girl ran off, leaving Pete to quietly watch her go. As she disappeared from view, a flicker of tenderness softened Pete's stern countenance.


Way, who had driven quite a distance due to his frustration, abruptly stopped the taxi. and went out to pay the man 

"Why did I freaking drink so much? How will I face that guy? I claimed that he is nothing, and then I freaking begged for what? For sex? I am absurd. I've made this mistake before, and I did it again. When will I learn? When will I stop listening to my heart? The harder I try to live better, the harder it gets to even live a normal life."

As he decided to walk back to the apartment, wanting to put as much distance between himself and Pete as possible, Way's resolve wavered. But then, a different determination set in. He couldn't let Pete think he was scared of him. During the long walk, Way's mind churned with thoughts, and he constantly cursed himself for his weakness.

"I won't let him have the satisfaction of thinking I'm afraid," Way muttered to himself, his steps quickening with newfound resolve. "I'll confront him. I'll make him see that I'm not one to be messed with."

As Way returned to the apartment, the night had begun to settle, casting shadows across the room. Pete sat as usual, engrossed in a book, paying no mind to Way's arrival.

Approaching Pete with a determined stride, Way spoke up. "About the night before, it was a mistake. Don't come for me again," he asserted.

Pete, without even looking up from his book, retorted, "I should have left you there to be fucked by Winner."

Way couldn't contain his frustration. "Can you stop being so messed up, Pete? You're being absurd," he snapped.

"Am I the one who's absurd? He stood up, his voice rising with anger. "Getting drunk and almost getting raped by your ex— that's not absurd for you? And me confronting you is?"

"You're no one to interfere in my life," Way shot back defiantly.

Pete stood his ground. "You're right. I'm not anyone. Then why do I have this ring on?" With a swift motion, he removed the ring and threw it at Way's face. "You know what? Your mom should see this. It would be better."

Confusion mixed with anger flashed across Way's face. "Why is my mom involved in this? I could say the same about your mom," he retorted.

"Go ahead. You think I'm afraid?" Pete challenged.

"I just don't think you're afraid of losing face in front of your mom when, in reality, you don't have a face," Way shot back.[he saw a nearby wine glass completely filled with wine he took it and threw it on Pete's face] 

Pete brushed his wet hair back, unfazed. "Oh, really? A strip club owner is talking here."

Fueled by rage, Way grabbed a nearby wooden decoration and hurled it at Pete, causing him to stumble backward and fall to the ground.

"That's what you get for saying that!" Way exclaimed.

Pete smirked, rising to his feet. "Okay, that's how you want it."

As they were about to escalate into a full-blown fight, the doorbell rang, interrupting their confrontation.

"I'll deal with you later," Way muttered, shooting Pete a challenging glare.

"Dare to," Pete responded defiantly.

As Way opened the door, he was met by two muscular and imposing figures.

"Do I know you?" Way inquired, eyeing them suspiciously.

"Hello, I'm Phaya from the Special Investigation Forces," one of them introduced themselves.

"And I'm Tharn," the other added.

"How can I help you two?" Way asked, intrigued by their presence.

as they both looked at each other nodding 

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