Into you [Charlie x Babe]

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 **Charlie:** Babe, we can talk it out if you want, but why are you ignoring me? Are you so sure that there is something between me and Jeff?

**Babe:** Yes, I am. What do you think? Well, you two spending time together, it bothers me, Charlie. Are you serious? Get the hell away from me. I don't want to see you ever again.

**Charlie:** Babe, why are you so stubborn? Why are you not trying to understand that I want only you? No one means more to me than you, and Jeff is just a friend.

**Babe:** A friend? I saw it with my own eyes. You were laughing and going inside a hotel. Is that all, or should I consider this attitude as just being friends?

**Charlie:** Babee...

**Babe:** And who is the one stubborn here? It's always you who is annoying me. I don't want to see you. Don't you understand? I don't want hope from someone like you. You were actually Babe's boy, that's all, and you don't have...

As Babe tried to voice his frustration, Charlie intercepted his words with a tight and passionate kiss. Despite Babe's initial attempt to break free, Charlie's embrace persisted, creating a magnetic pull that Babe couldn't resist. In a matter of seconds, the resistance melted away, and Babe surrendered to the intensity of the kiss. It became evident that whenever Charlie initiated such moments, Babe found himself unable to maintain the playing hard to get, accepting the undeniable connection between them

I can't stand fighting with you, Babe. Sometimes, you make me lose my mind.

Babe, still angry but also taken aback, finally relents, and the kiss becomes a mix of conflicting emotions.

Charlie, this doesn't excuse...

Before Babe can finish his sentence, Charlie interrupts him with another passionate kiss. This time, he doesn't resist as much, and the intensity between them grows.

CHARLIE (whispering) I can't help it, Babe. You drive me crazy.

Babe, torn between anger and desire, lets herself be carried away by the moment. The argument fades into the background as the kisses become more heated. 

Babe's body molds seamlessly against her partner's, the warmth between them creating a sense of unity. Their limbs entwine, fingers delicately tracing the lines of shoulders, arms, and back, as if seeking to understand the language of skin. In the closeness, they discover a physical symmetry that mirrors the emotional connection they share.

Their chests rise and fall in tandem, breathing synchronized as they navigate the intimate space between them. The alignment of their bodies speaks of a magnetic pull, an irresistible force that draws them closer. The sensation is both comforting and electrifying, a testament to the magnetic attraction that transcends the earlier conflict.

your still angry babe with me why don't you understand that I am your as he suddenly started kissing Babe's neck babes was so crazy for Charlie In that stolen moment of intimacy, the couple discovered the profound beauty of their connection. The anger that had threatened to tear them apart was replaced by a shared understanding that sometimes, 

love could speak more eloquently through silent gestures than through heated arguments.

Hello everyone,

Writing intimate scenes has been a challenge for me, but I'm committed to improving gradually. I find that I enjoy crafting these scenes, but my discomfort often leads to cringing as I write them.

If you have any specific sentences or paragraphs you'd like help with, feel free to share them, and I can provide more targeted feedback!

until then bai byee

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