Club love [Charlie x Babe]

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"What if Pitbabe never started with Charlie being a fanboy of Babe or something like that? What if their characters were swapped, and Babe was the one following Charlie? What if it wasn't a racing track backstage, but a club stage? Yeah, all of this—I've got some crazy imagination."

"It all started with Charlie celebrating his win. Today, he emerged victorious in the race, reaffirming his status as the king of Hallow With his simple, sweet, and golden retriever personality, no one really knew Charlie as a bad person. Apart from being famous and handsome, with a winning race record, he had no bad reputation, nor was he known for bad behavior. However, despite having many fans and a team, he still felt lonely. Until one night, everything changed.

Way: "Charlie, what are you thinking? Have a drink."

Charlie: "Yeah."

Way, Charlie's best friend and teammate whom he trusted the most, was the only person who truly knew Charlie, despite his fame and success.

Way: "You wanna go back?"

Charlie: "You know me well. Please, can you get this party over with? I'll be in the washroom."

Way: "Okay, I'll wrap this up. I'll meet you in the parking lot in 5."

Charlie: "Sweet." *Charlie winked at Way as he went to the bathroom.*

Way smiled.

Charlie was heading to the bathroom when a certain someone pulled him inside a room. Charlie, flustered and shocked, saw a tall, handsome, and sharp-looking guy. His eyes were sharp, resembling a wild cat. Charlie was about to speak but got mesmerized by the face and almost forgot where he was.

Babe: "Charlie, don't get scared, okay? I'm not a fan who will hurt you."

Charlie: "Can you move your hand from there? You can't intimidate me with that look."

Babe: "Oh, I'm sorry." *Babe's hands were on Charlie's chest.*

Babe: "I'm sorry. I know this is strange, but I'm a really big fan. I've been following you since day one of your racing journey. I had no idea how to show you my true love and happiness, so—"

Charlie: *whispered* "[Choose violence]."

Babe: "What?"

Charlie: *coughs* "Nothing."

Charlie: "So, are you done? Can I go now?"

Babe: "No, wait. What do you mean you can go?"

Charlie: "So, what do you want me to do? Sleep with you?"

Babe: "What?"

Charlie was half drunk and half awake.

Charlie stumbled back, trying to regain his composure, "Look, I appreciate the admiration, but pulling me into a room like this is crossing a line."[ a soft smirk on his fan

Babe, still looking starstruck, stammered, "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just wanted to meet you and talk to you. I've been your fan for so long."

Charlie: Really, what do you want from me then?

*Charlie gazes at Babe, who seems a bit bewildered.*

Charlie (mumbling to himself): Something just kicked in, and I can't control it anymore. I'm sorry, you're too beautiful.

*Charlie leans in and kisses Babe. Babe, caught off guard, doesn't resist and gets swept away in the unexpected kiss. Charlie realizes he's not fully sober.*

Babe: Charlie, you're not in your senses!

Charlie: What if I am?

*Charlie goes in for another kiss.*

Charlie: What if I just really want my fans to be taken care of? Don't you guys like fan service? But for you, it's a bit more than just fan service.

as Charlie smirked and pulled Babe into a French kiss his hands roaming all over Babe's body giving Babe a shock to his spine 

charlie:[bite babe lip his face suddenly change from golden retriever to a mad dog babe didn't new someone like charlie can be so intense and that he will always remember this night they made were this intense shit the whole night until the sunrise babe fell asleep

after a few hours he woke up in his mind he thought that it was only a night and that why would charlie like to sleep with him but something shocked him it was a note from Charlie

In the note, it was written 





he felt as if it was the start of something crazy as he smirked looking at that note 



"Apologies, everyone. This piece turned out shorter than intended. I'm dealing with a headache, and despite my initial enthusiasm to craft a longer and more thrilling narrative, my mind and body reached their limits. I appreciate your understanding. Thank you."

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