Possessive[WINNER X DEAN]

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"Before the race, Winner and Dean found themselves tangled in a small argument, leaving the air charged with unresolved tension. As Winner prepared for his race, Dean, still nursing the remnants of their disagreement, decided not to cheer for Winner. Instead, surprising everyone, he went over to Way, offering words of reassurance and encouragement. Today, Winner emerged victorious, but Dean, true to his newfound sportsmanship, approached Way, telling him it's okay and that there's always another chance to win in the future."

Kim, noticing Winner's intense and menacing gaze towards Way and Dean, approached with a mix of curiosity and concern. he dared to ask Winner about the cruelty and strength he saw in his eyes. In response, Winner, overwhelmed by a burning rage or frustration, removed his gloves and slammed them onto the cold road. The action seemed to mirror the internal fire threatening to consume him, making it evident that he was on the verge of feeling like he would burn alive with emotions left unspoken.

 Dean, unfazed by Winner's intense moment, caught a glimpse of the dramatic display but brushed it off with a nonchalant attitude. With a sassy and gritty expression, he casually went inside, seemingly uninterested in the brewing emotional storm in the room.

winner: you wanna play okay princess[smirked]

As usual, everyone headed for their separate showers, with some rooms having two separate stalls. Dean found himself sharing a room with Way, an arrangement that seemed inevitable given the couple dynamics of North and Sonic, and Babe and Charlie.

Both Way and Dean entered their respective showers, quietly going about their routine. However, the tranquility took an unexpected turn when someone suddenly grabbed Dean by the mouth, stifling any potential shouts. Dean, visibly surprised, turned to see who it was, the encounter revealing an unexpected twist in the showering saga.

In a surprising twist, Winner, having sneaked into Dean's shower without any warning, initiated a series of kisses that were a blend of slow intensity and harsh passion. Dean was caught off guard and found himself breathless, unable to process the unexpected intrusion into his private space.

Winner, with a sinister smirk, warned Dean not to make any noise, threatening consequences. In a tense hush, Winner whispered commands, but suddenly, without warning, Winner forcefully inserted a finger into Dean's intimate space. Caught off guard, Dean tried to adjust, but Winner, fueled by anger, lost control. Clenching Dean's other hand to restrict any movement, Winner continued his forceful actions, leaving Dean struggling to cope with the overwhelming intensity.

 Winner's still working his magic on Dean as he leans back against the wall, attempting to stifle any moans.

Way: "Hey, Dean, did you fight with Winner?"

Dean: "Uhh, ahh, n...no."

 Winner's locking eyes with Dean, who's doing his best to keep quiet.

Winner: [whispered] "More."

Dean nodded and shook his head furiously, a clear "no."

 Winner abruptly withdrew his finger and planted a passionate kiss on Dean's neck, leaving a prominent purple hickey. He continued to tease Dean's dick, moving back and forth repeatedly.

Dean, clenching his eyes shut, endured the overwhelming pleasure.

Winner, whispering: "Ignore your moans, just like you ignored me after the race."

Way: "I'm just going to finish, will you take your time?"

Dean: "I..." Suddenly, Winner thrust his dick inside Dean without any warning, and Dean moaned.

Way: "Is something wrong, Dean?"

Dean: "Way, I... just nothing. I'll come after a few minutes; you can go first."

Way: "Okay."

Dean, whispering: "Slowly, please, Winner. Ahhh." He hissed slowly.

Winner was moving at a rapid pace, but not so fast that Way could hear them.

Winner: "You like this, don't you?" [whispering]

Dean, trying to fight his feelings, didn't want it, but his body accepted Winner's warmth completely.

Winner took his dick out and slowly rubbed Dean's hole. Seeing how Dean was trembling and vibrating made Winner smirk a little.

Dean: "Just do it."

Winner: "What?"

Dean bit his lips, struggling to give up control, but the desire for Winner was overwhelming now.

Way: "Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow, Dean. Bye."

When Way didn't hear a response, he assumed Dean was busy in the shower. As Way left, Dean moaned loudly, releasing all the breath that was stuck in his chest.

Winner, pacing up faster than ever, didn't listen to what Dean was saying. Suddenly, Dean stopped him with a loud cry.

Dean turned to Winner, and Winner saw tears in Dean's eyes. His heart broke seeing that.

Dean: "Were you doing this because you were angry that I ignored you, or were you being possessive of me?"

Winner: "Y...you." He wanted to scold Dean, but the puppy face made Winner feel guilty.

Winner: "I'm sorry."

Suddenly, Dean kicked Winner in the balls. "You thought I was going to say this, huh, you filthy pervert?"

Dean: "Serves you right. Enjoy the pain. There's a stop to being a baby. I know what I'm doing."

Winner, in so much pain, fell, sliding against the wall, as he watched Dean leave him in agony.

Dean: "Ugh, what a jealous husband-to-be I have."

Winner laughed between the pain, realizing how his future husband was as smart and foul-mouthed as Winner himself. He somewhat felt dumb for being in that situation and having secondhand embarrassment.

author: Bro got owned lol

"Love's brilliance lies in its ability to make the smartest minds embrace the art of foolishness''

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