The Time When You Were Mine[northx sonic]

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"I once believed the mistake lay in the very essence of love, not realizing that my true misstep was directing that love towards you. In the intricate weave of emotions, I misunderstood the delicate threads, only to find that it was the thread of our connection that led to my blunder. Loving you, in all its complexities, became the poignant chapter of my heart's journey where beauty and mistakes intertwined.

"North: We're going back to where we came from, Sonic, but first, I want to take you somewhere.


North: I'm okay if you won't speak if you won't talk. Just stay with me. You can hate me as much as you want after today. I am going to show you something, and after that, if you choose to leave me, you can go happily. I will accept everything you want, even if it's you killing me with your own hands. I won't deny that. I give you the allowance to kill me. I won't resist. Everything you choose will be what I do.


During the ensuing journey, North guided Sonic to an undisclosed destination. Throughout the walk, neither exchanged glances. The once inseparable couple, adored by all, now found discomfort in each other's presence. One was weary, the other burdened by an unseen weight. Both shared a mutual disillusionment with the love they once held.

We all hated North, like how every criminal is hated, but we never really saw what he went through or even what his story truly was. Did we judge too early, or did we feel remorse too late? Did you ever ask yourself why North was doing those crazy things? All wanted to just kill him. It's funny how we always look up to the hero but never really go back in time and examine the villain The irony lay in the fact that he wasn't truly a villain, yet circumstances demanded he play the role. The question lingered: why?

Sonic, feeling a bit light-headed, was on the verge of falling when North extended a helping hand. Instead of feeling reassured, Sonic became scared of North.

north:[i have seen this some where aswell]

After a few minutes, Sonic and North arrived at a graveyard. It wasn't particularly large, with about 15 graves.

Sonic, too scared to even enter the graveyard, had trembling hands, a face marked with clear fear, a sore throat from all the shouting, and a half-dead body still holding onto the smallest hope to live. Sonic could imagine things as dreadful as North burying him alive; he believed North could do anything at this point.

North, who went inside, saw Sonic hesitating to take a step into the graveyard.

North: Trust me, as bad as you have seen me, I am not this awful. Who am I even saying this to? Trust me, you can come here; you won't be hurt. If I try something, just push me off the cliff, and yeah, it's that easy.

There was no fear on North's face because he knew Sonic's hatred for him was so intense that if Sonic pushed him now, it wouldn't be surprising.

Sonic, taking a step inside, saw those graves in a line. His body was clenched in this small area, not daring to go on.

North, who was moving here and there, doing everything he wanted, as if he had been here several times and already known this place for a long time.

North: "Welcome, Sonic, welcome. This is my home. Yeah, practically, this is my home. Say hello to my family – my mother, father, sisters, brothers, and my two boyfriends before you."

When Sonic heard this, his body froze. As much as he knew North, he never knew North had a big, happy family once.

North: "This is my family, the one you never knew about. I was just 15 when my mother and father left me. They abandoned me at a carnival. I was the child they never wanted, so their way of showing that I was unwanted was leaving me at an amusement park – my favorite place, funny, right? On the same day, my mother and father got into an accident with my two sisters and died. I don't know if it was karma or what. I was found by my brother. I had two brothers – one of them was small, and the other one was big. After two months of their deaths, they started fighting for the land and the money. In that fight, my big brother accidentally killed my smaller brother. It was a mistake. Because of that mistake, my brother hanged himself to death. He also left me. The last letter he wrote was, 'It was too hard.' What was too hard? It was hard for them, so they died. But, I had to live. I continued living because of my grandmother. My grandmother loved me so much that I almost forgot everything. But the next thing I knew, it was all an act. My grandma, the one I loved the most, just wanted me to turn 18, and after that, she sold me to a rich man – a rich man." he used me as a sex slave as a way of realizing his stress he was always around me after work telling me how much of a whore sex a slave I am and that no one really wanted me because i was badluck and that only thing i am good at was being a toy naturally i turned 20 that shitty guy had a handsome my age son what shitty story i know he was using his son age boy as asex slave i know right [don't look at me like that]let me finish first i fell for him

"How he always used to protect me when I was being used by his father after he had no mother. So, he stood up for himself, unlike me, who was a scared guy afraid of the whole world. Sooner or later, it was revealed that his sex slave and son are in love. All those promises were in vain. You know what he did? He killed him and let me live. He said that now the pain would kill me. I was on the roads for days until a doctor came and helped me. He tried to bring me back to life. I lived like an animal; I was out of my senses; I forgot to speak. The hurt was too much. My first love sank in just six months in front of my eyes. That doctor brought me back to life; he made me like life again. But then, again, it all went in vain. You know why? He didn't really die; I killed him.

We were going for a picnic to his favorite place. I remember he brought his favorite cookies to share with me, but we had an accident. He died, but I lived. I still lived. God hated me; I know that now. He really does. I was so numbed by the pain that I went on with my life. I lived, worked hard, forgot that I was human at one point. After two years of being a small mechanic, Alan approached me, offered me to race. I accepted. The journey I had was normal, and it was too normal that I couldn't accept it. The things I went through were not as normal, and then [he smiled a big smile on his face], you joined for the first time. I still remember your pink and white shirt that you wore.

Although I swore to myself that I won't love again, whenever I looked at you, I felt like all these tears that I have spent in this sadness may come to an end. But I don't know why and how it ends like this. I can't give you a chance; I can't give myself. I can't handle a fucking relationship easily. Everything leaves me for no fucking reason. Why does everyone who enters my life just die? Why am I fucking alive? Am I that shitty now that I want to protect you, be with you? I am a psychopath. I knew this from the really beginning, and I know that what I did is nothing that I should have done.

So today, I brought you here to listen to my story. Now it's your choice. Walk away or do what you want. trust me  if you choose to walk away, that's the best for you.

sonic:if i walk away what will you do what if choose to walk away but ....

"Sometimes, love is like holding onto a beautiful song that's not meant for your ears, but you can't help but listen and cherish its melody."


"What will you do? Will you walk away or not? Just asking for research purposes, you know."

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