Apart [North x Sonic] last part

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north forgot that he had his car and ran as if it was the last time he was going to see sonic and soon he was in front of the hospital where Sonic was north went up to see sonic  

North: (breathless) Alan, where's Sonic? I thought he was still in the hospital.

Alan: Oh, North! Sonic's not here anymore. The doctor said he was all good, so he headed back to the garage.

North: (relieved) Garage? Why didn't anyone tell me? I thought something happened to him!

Alan: Well, the doctor assured him he's in the clear,  He left a little while ago.

North: (catching his breath) Seriously? I ran all the way here. I need to find him.

Alan: Don't worry, North. Sonic's fine. Head to the garage; you'll catch up with him there.

North: Thanks, Alan. I'll do that.

Alan: Hey, North.

North: Yeah?

Alan: Just wanted to say, good luck.

North: (smiles) Thanks, Alan. I appreciate it.

Alan: You got this.

North: (nodding) I'll find Sonic. Take care, and thanks again.

North headed back to the garage as fast as he could. The moment he parked his car in front of the garage, he hastily got out of the vehicle. In his urgency, he began shouting Sonic's name until everyone in the garage was alerted. Sonic, along with others, came out, surprised by the sudden commotion.

As Sonic emerged, he saw North, who was frantically searching for someone. The moment their eyes met, North's eyes stopped, and his smile grew even bigger. While Sonic appeared cold, with an expression of anger on his face, a bystander, Babe, couldn't help but comment.

Babe: Why the heck are you so loud? It's not like he's going to run away.

North: (nervously) Something like that. I want to say something to you, Sonic.

Sonic shot him a horrible look and began to turn back inside, ready to dismiss the situation. However, North didn't give up.

North: (pleading) Wait, Sonic. Just stay for a few minutes. I'll let you decide the destiny of us after that.

Sonic, with a hint of a smile, turned back around, though his face remained serious.

sonic: what i give you a minute

North: I gave you a hard time. I know I was a bad guy for you. I said things I shouldn't have. I realize how wrong and crappy I was for treating you like that. I see how much you tried to pursue me, but I kept building the same wall again.

Sonic: Mhmm, and?

North: And... I know I'm not the best person for you. I know I was a jerk. But I'm saying sorry. I'm saying sorry for all the crap I put you through. I'll do anything for you to forgive me, even if it means bowing down on the ground for you.

Sonic: (smirking) Well, well, North. It's not every day someone like you apologizes. Bowing down on the ground, huh? That's a new one.

North: (nervously) Sonic, I mean it. I know I messed up, and I want to make things right.

Sonic: (teasingly) Oh, you want forgiveness just like that? After all the walls you built and the nonsense you threw my way? I'm not sure it's that simple.

North: I understand, Sonic. I just need you to know that I'm serious about changing. I want to be better.

Sonic: (crossing arms) Better, huh? You've got a long way to go, North. so what do want 

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