The Time When You Were Mine [northxsonic]

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Sometimes, we just don't know what we are. Have you ever looked at your hands and questioned yourself about who you are, or why you exist? I have, and it's painful. It breaks you apart into two pieces – one fights for living, while the other begs to die. You want to let go, but you're afraid. What if it hurts too much? What if everyone just continues with their daily lives, and you become just another person who is no longer there? Because you were never of importance to someone, you were just there. Your existence feels like nothing.

When you have a lot to say but you're just tired because no one is listening, you stop talking. You stop feeling. This happens when you lose yourself to someone or something. You were once precious to them, and the pain you feel is more than just physical. It's the voices that echo through your mind when you're in pain that's what sonic was feeling when he looked at north 

Sonic, let me at least guide you to the bed.

Sonic: I am fine. Get out, get out, please! I am begging you, Sonic. You see my hands. Go away!

North: I am doing this for you.


His breathing seemed irregular, and his voice became low. His eyes filled with tears, and his heart was almost on the verge of bursting. Suddenly, he went unconscious. Before he could fall to the floor, North caught him, trying to wake him up.

North: Wake up, Sonic! Wake up! Come on, damn it, Sonic, wake up!

As he hugged him, trying to bring him back to consciousness, when he saw no response, he drove him to the hospital. There, he found out that Sonic was 3 months pregnant and extremely malnourished. He had fainted due to a panic attack, and if this happens again, it may be harmful to both Sonic and the baby.

When North was taking some medicine from the hospital, he was caught by Way, who was there for his checkup.


When North saw Way, he immediately tried to run away but was caught by Way and Pete.

Pete: North, why are you running from us? Why are you scared? Is something wrong? Why are you here? Is Sonic okay?

North, his hands trembling, looked down and answered nothing.

Way: Something's wrong. Answer me, North!

North suddenly got aggressive and pushed Way back, but thanks to Pete, Way didn't get hurt.

Pete: You fine? Is the baby okay? You're fine, right, Way?

Way: I am fine, but why is he acting like that? We have to tell Alan about this, Pete.

Pete: We will, but first, let's get you a checkup. I am afraid that you got hurt or something happened to the baby that would be bad.

Way: Okay, but...

Pete: I said naa we will okay!

Pete took Way, but Way was still looking at the sight where North disappeared, running,

North, with his heart in his throat, went inside Sonic's room. But when he entered the room, Sonic wasn't there. North panicked and started looking for Sonic, checking everywhere, but could not find him. As he went outside the room, he witnessed a horrendous scene—Sonic was behind Way, hiding. That's when he knew that there was no turning back now.

While Sonic was in the hospital, he was unconscious. Upon his arrival and after a checkup, when the doctor was telling North about everything, he listened. At that moment, he realized he could never be with North. Now, it's not about him; it's about his own baby. The moment North went out to bring medicine, Sonic tried to escape. Fortunately, luck was with him, and as he was going, he found Way and Pete. When Way saw Sonic, his heart clenched. He saw a really dull and lifeless Sonic, a person he could never imagine would be in such a state.

Way: Sonic, it's you.

Sonic hugged Way, his body trembling, tears and cries heard clearly.

Pete: Sonic, you're here in this condition. Who did this to you?

Sonic just cried, knowing he was somewhere very safe, and that made him cry.

Way broke the hug and looked at Sonic.

Way: What's wrong, Sonic? Look at me. Why are you in this condition? Who did this to you? Why are you like this?

Sonic: Way, take me away. I want to go. He will come. Take me with you, please. Will you, please?

Way: Sonic, calm down. Who will come? What's wrong? Tell us. You're safe, okay? Nothing is going to happen to you. You're safe here.

Pete gave Way an affirmative look.

Way: Sit down. Tell me what's wrong.

Sonic: Take me away to Alan, to Uncle. Yeah, I want to be there. You won't leave me here, right?

Pete: Sonic, we won't leave you. Calm down.

As he patted Sonic's head like a brother, Sonic felt comfort from Pete's soft touch. The touch or pat on his head, as if someone was there for him, made him feel safe. The brotherly part of Pete assured him.

Sonic: I'll tell you, but I want to go from here, please. He will come.

Way: Who will come?

Sonic: North. He's a psycho. He's not normal, Way. He's psycho. He will chain me up. I don't want that.

Way: What? North, Sonic, are you out of your mind?

As North arrived and saw Sonic with Way and Pete:

Sonic: He's here, North. Please, don't let me go, Way. Okay, I beg you.

Way could feel that this was not a joke. The trembling voice of Sonic and the way Sonic was begging to be taken away were not normal. Sonic's fear was evident when he saw North's face, and Way was sure about this.

North: Sonic, you're here. Let's go, shall we? Why are you here?

Pete: North, what do you want? He just wants to be with Way for a while. Can't he? He's his friend.

North: Pete, don't step into my matter or else.

Pete: Or else what?

Pete got angry, and grabbed North by his collar:

Pete: You're a mad dog.

North: I'm more than that if you won't let Sonic go.

Sonic hid behind Way, who was shielded by Pete.

Pete: He won't go. He doesn't want to go.

North: He is mine. If you can do anything, then do it. He will go with me.

North: Sonic, if you won't go, I will kill you. I won't let you live peacefully.

Pete: Are you mental? What are you doing, North?

North: You can't take him away from me. He's mine forever.

Pete: He's not your property; he's human.

North: He's my human. He's nothing without me.

Way, looking at Sonic, who was not in good shape, put his hands on Sonic's ear and took him away.

Pete: I will handle this. Way, take him away, okay?

Way nodded yes and took Sonic away while the guards arrived and handled North, who was latched onto Pete but could never hurt Pete as Pete was more powerful than North.


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