What's life?

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"Why is it for us? Why does it go on and on and on but no one notices? Why is everything real? How do you know if it's even real? Sometimes I look at my hands and around me, wondering, am I real or am I just a puppet? We all are just moving with society, moving with what they want us. Those who break the law, they're just... just rebels, you feel me? It feels like I have no reality in me, guys. It's tiring. Every day just passes by without meaning. I want that meaning, but I don't know where to find it. It changes every day; the sun goes down, the moon comes up, then the moon goes down, the sun comes up. It rains, the clouds disappear, the flowers bloom, they wither, but nothing ever changes in my life. I am tired... in many ways: spiritually, emotionally, physically. Everything about me is just tired. I need like one month or more than one just by myself to get together for what's left in me, but then again, I think, what even is left inside me? It hurts, but I don't get it. Where does it hurt or why does it hurt? I feel the pain but can't feel the emotion of feeling the pain. Why is it so... dead? Why is everyone there but no one? Lots of people to talk to but none to talk to as well. Now that I listen, rain also sounds trickling to the brain, the droplet by droplet of it messes with the brain, makes me go crazy that I hate it... to the point where I have to close my ears, but still, at the same time, thunder is comforting... I am telling you... this... I am not like this... but it feels like this now. Why? I don't know why staring at the mirror becomes difficult. Why keeping everything to yourself always gets the check mark? Why..."

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