His Villian [kenta x kim] PART 2

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Kim was peacefully asleep when he felt movement beside him. Opening his eyes, he discovered Kenta, who was already awake and smoking, while Kim lay on his chest, hugging him. Suddenly realizing their position, Kim panicked and jolted awake.

Kenta, puzzled, asked, "Ahh, what's the rush?"

Kim replied, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just surprised. Did I hurt you? Let me see."

Kenta smirked, "Were you that shocked?"

Kim retorted, "No, I wasn't. I just fell asleep while waiting for you to wake up."

Kenta teased, "You could have run away while I was unconscious. It was a big chance."

Suddenly, Kim got closer to Kenta, and Kenta could hear Kim's breathing and gulps.

Kim whispered, "What if I choose not to run away?"

Kenta shrugged, "Whatever."

Kim snatched the cigarette from Kenta's hand and threw it out of the car window.

Kenta exclaimed, "What? Why did you do that? That was my last one!"

Kim responded, "I don't want you to die anytime soon. You owe me a big favor."

Kenta questioned, "You don't want me to die because of a favor, or is it some other feeling?"

Kim looked at Kenta and said, "And just so you know I don't like the smell of cigarettes, and your shirt stinks like cigarettes. It gives me the icks."

Kenta, with a smirk, asked, "Were you smelling me?"

Kim quickly denied, "No, I was not. It just smells too much like cigarettes," he answered, flustered.

Kenta muttered, "I see. Ahhh, this darn injury."

Suddenly concerned, Kim asked him if he was fine. At that moment, they both made eye contact. Kim's heart fluttered, and Kenta's heart melted as he saw the worry in Kim's eyes. Both of them fell into a silent exchange, their eyes telling a love story. The big doe eyes of Kim looked worried as if Kim had transformed into a small kid, concerned about someone he loves.

"In the quiet gaze exchanged between them, words became unnecessary, and their eyes spoke a language of love that echoed louder than any spoken confession."

Kim, sensing Kenta's discomfort, reached out and tenderly touched his injured shoulder. The warmth of Kim's hand conveyed not just empathy but a promise of unwavering support. Kenta's eyes softened further, realizing the depth of care in Kim's simple gesture.

Breaking the silence, Kim softly uttered, "You know, Kenta, sometimes it's in these quiet moments that we truly understand the language of the heart. Your pain becomes mine, and your joys, my own. We're in this together,

Kenta was touched by kims every word

With a gentle touch, Kenta's hand found its way to Kim's cheek, fingers tracing soft lines. Kim's breath hitched, and his eyes, filled with a mixture of longing and anticipation, held an unspoken invitation. At that moment, the barriers that had kept them apart began to dissolve, and the car became a sanctuary where their souls could intertwine.

As the distance between them lessened, the warmth of shared breaths heightened the intimacy. Their lips met in a tender exploration, a union that spoke of a deeper connection. In that kiss, they found solace, passion, and a promise to explore the uncharted territories of their emotions together.

With unspoken consent, their lips met in a soft kiss, a gentle exploration that conveyed both vulnerability and passion Kenta, leaning in, placed a tender kiss on Kim's forehead, his actions echoing the sentiment. "Kim, I never expected this, but being with you feels right like we're creating something beautiful together."

Kenta, intertwining his fingers with Kim'

Your love is not just a chapter in my life; it's the book that I want to read for the rest of my days


"Stay tuned for the next part! Hehe, I wanted both of them to showcase their bond and get to know each other before I end it with a bang. I hope you understand why I made this part; it was more like a chapter to emphasize that they feel for each other deeply.

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