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As both looked at each other for an explanation.

Type: "We'll talk this out after we go home."

Charlie: "What do you mean at home? Let's talk this out now. You want to explain this."

Type: "I hope you explain this first."

Charlie: "Oh, now I should be the one to explain when clearly you are the one who has more to explain than me. Because of you, I hid my relationship with him." [He pointed at Babe]

Type: "Do you think I wanted to hide it? It was because of you that I hid my relationship with him."

Charlie: "And how is that? Explain it to me, will you?"

Type: "You're talking to your big brother, Charlie."

Charlie: "And you owe me an explanation as a brother."

Babe: "Guys, cut it out."

Tharn: "Yeah, Type."

Charlie: "Shut up."

Type: "Shut up."

Tharn: "Okay, let's go, Babe. This will end up with us having the blame, I know."

Type: "Stay."

Charlie: "Stay."

Tharn: "What do you two want?"

Babe: "Let's solve this at home. This is a hospital."

Charlie: "No."

Type: "No."

Babe: "Why are you both in sync?"

Type: "Because we're brothers, idiot."

Charlie: "Hey, don't call him that. He's my boyfriend. Your boyfriend is a bonehead."

Type: "Respect him. He's like me, just taller."

Charlie: "That's why I called him that."

Tharn: "Hey, how do I come into this?"

Babe: "You guys, enough. We're going home now."

Tharn: "Let's go, Type. I'm not listening to anything."

As they got home, Type went to drink some water, and Charlie sat on the couch.

Charlie: "Care to explain now?"

Type: "Explain what?"

Charlie: "That you're dating a guy."

Type: "Why are you judging me?"

Charlie: "Seriously? Have you seen my guy? He's buffer than me. Who am I to judge? Yeah, but I'm judging you for hiding the fact that you're dating him."

Type: "You see, I met him, we parted, and it turned into love."

Charlie: "You mean you, who hates gays, turned into one?"

Type: "So what? Do you have a problem with me being gay?"

Charlie: "Really? Why would I have a problem?"

Type: "Then stop talking, you dickhead."

Charlie: "You really had to act all friendly. You know how hard it was to act like we were friends, me and Babe."

Type: "As if it was a piece of cake for me and Tharn."

Charlie: "You're not taking this seriously."

Type: "Why should I when you're the one who's talking?"

Charlie: "Seriously, just wait a minute. Where are these two?"

Type: "Tharn? He was here. As he looked around. But now he's not here."


Babe: "What do you think, will they be over yet?"

Tharn: "I guess so. By the way, I didn't know you liked mint-flavored ice cream like Type."

Babe: "Of course. I never got ice cream with anyone except Charlie. In fact, I'm shocked to learn you like sorbet more than ice cream, just like Charlie."

Tharn: "Yeah, same."

Babe: "When are we going back?"

Tharn: "Let's wait for like 15 minutes more."

Babe: "Do you like cards?"

Tharn: "Sure, let's play."

After half an hour, both Babe and Tharn came back home. Tharn, who was eating sorbet, stopped as he saw both Charlie and Type standing at the front door waiting for them.

Babe: "Looks like we've got trouble."

Tharn: "I told you this was a bad idea."

Babe: "At least they're united."

Tharn: "Yeah, and now they will fuck us up together as well."

Babe: "That I don't know."

Type: "You mind telling us where the hell were you two for the past hour, leaving us all alone?"

Tharn: "It was his idea."

Babe: "What did I do?"

Charlie: "Babe, when did you turn into a kid?"

Babe: "Charlie, what did I do?"

Type: "You like being together? Okay, then stay out. Get the hell out and don't show us your faces until tomorrow."

Babe: "Charlie, you as well."

Charlie: "Babe, he's in charge, and I'm mad at you. So yeah." *As he went in.*

Babe: "Charlie! Charlie! CHARLIE!"

Type: "You both stay out. Don't show us your faces, or I will mess you two up. You want your heads intact, don't you? YOU don't call my brother, and YOU don't even look at me!"

Tharn: "Type!"


 As he banged the door closed in front of both of their FACE 



"This was more of a funny and not-so-serious series. I just went with what I had in my mind. I hope you like it. It has a small end, but it is what it is."

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