Mood Swings 1 [Alan x Jeff]

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Life shines like a thousand twinkling stars when he is with me 

Babe: "Huh, uncle, what... as babe stood up off the couch, Charlie, hold me, I am not fine, ohh my my my."

Alan: "Babe, I don't know how it happened, but we can't do anything, can we?"

Charlie: "Uncle, you really... babe, calm down."

Babe: "Calm down, calm down, you're telling me to calm down when my uncle's going to be a dad... wtf, man."

Alan: "Babe, I said na, it will be okay."

Way: "[chuckling, chuckling] Babe, uncle hit the spot like literally."

Babe: "Ehhh, Wayyy."

Way: "What? I am speaking facts."

Alan: "[rubbing his back in embarrassment]"

abe: "IDK, Uncle, what will everyone say? You really think this will be good? It will be sooo embarrassing."

Charlie: "Uncle, what Babe is saying, right? With this rising popularity and you in this age, I don't think this should be possible."

Alan: "So what should I tell him? What should I do? What you both are thinking, I can never do that."

Babe: "Who's telling you to say that?

Babe: "I was happy for you, Uncle, but this, this really... I mean, and you, Charlie, didn't guide Jeff. You told me to wait, and your brother... ughhh, I am going out."

Alan: "Babe..."

As Babe was about to leave, he stopped, his eyes widened as he saw Jeff standing outside, listening to them.

A single tear fell from Jeff's eyes.

Jeff: "You're no one to tell me or him what to do. You're embarrassed of what? Huh, Babe? And you, Alan, what were you thinking? If you're embarrassed, then we should just break up, right? So that you won't be connected to me, right? That's okay. You all, no one decides my Abbie's fate, okay? OKKK."

As Jeff steadily ran away, Alan followed him.

[As he glared at Babe for once and then went to Jeff, calling him.]

Alan: "Jeff, Jeff, baby, listen... ehh, noeeee."

Jeff walked so steadily that Alan couldn't catch up to him, his tears falling down as he ran from Alan on the racetrack.

Alan: "Jeff, wait, please!"

But Jeff didn't stop; he was both mad and sad.

Jeff: "Leave me alone, Alan!"

As Jeff continued to run away, suddenly Alan pulled him back, hugging him tightly and saying it was okay. He expressed how sorry he was and reassured Jeff that he understands how important this is for him

Alan: "It's okay, Jeff. I'm here for you. I'm sorry. I know how much this means to you

Jeff hugged Alan's chest tightly, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

Jeff: "What did you even think to abort our baby? How could you think like that? He's just a small, pure soul..."

Jeff's voice trailed off as tears continued to stream down his cheeks, his heart heavy with sadness

Jeff: "It's not the baby's fault... Why did you  think like that?"

Alan: "Shh... It's okay, Jeff. I'm here for you. We'll get through this together. I love you, and I would never want anything to hurt you or our baby. You're not alone in this, I promise."

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