I DO [North x Sonic]wedding special

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"Dear future husband
If you wanna get that special loving
Tell me I'm beautiful every night                                                                                                                                  Future husband, you better love me right"

 It's been about two years since North and Sonic started dating, and they've become quite the lovey-dovey couple. Even when they were both single, they were mischievous, but now that they're a couple, their mischief has reached a whole new level. In the garage, they're one of the most open and passionate couples, openly expressing their love most of the time. It makes everyone cringe a bit, but at the same time, they find it super cute.

Alan and Jeff observed North, who seemed to be following SONIC around persistently, while Sonic sulkingly ignored the situation.

Alan: "What's up with him?"

Jeff: "Don't make a sound. He's been moody all day, throwing big tantrums. I think it's because North refused to go to the beach this Sunday due to personal work."

Alan: "It's that bad?"

Jeff, grimacing: "You have no idea. He completely lost it with BABE, just for breathing. babe was left bewildered, asking 'What did I do?' he was on the verge of crossing a line."

Alan: "North's in deep trouble then."

Jeff, nodding solemnly: "He definitely is."

North: "Baby, baby, baby! Theerak! Can you just listen once? I know you're mad, but please, if it wasn't so important, I would never deny you."

He followed Sonic everywhere until Sonic bumped into a cardboard box, falling into North's embrace.

North: "You should be careful." *smiling*

Sonic: "Oh, right." *stomps on North's foot, making him hiss in pain*

North: "Babyyyyy."

Sonic: "Happy now? Leave me alone."

North: "How can I leave you alone when you're sulking?"

Sonic: "Who's sulking? I'm not. Why do you think I'm sulking? I'm not mad."

North: "Okay, okay, babe, calm down. I'm wrong, okay? What's wrong? What's making you so angry?"

Sonic: "You, you, you! You're making me angry."

North: "What did I do?"

Sonic: "I just don't know."

North: "Okay, whatever it is, let's just make up, okay? I'll treat you to a Korean BBQ, how's that?"

Sonic: "Really?"

North, gradually getting closer and hugging Sonic to ease his anger: "Also, after that, let's get a yogurt frosty. How's that?"

Sonic: "Really, baby?"

North: "Yeah, anything for you, baby."

Sonic: "Hehe, okay, I LOVE YOU, BABY!"

North: "ME TOO!"

Alan and Jeff, who were watching this, suddenly, Alan tapped Jeff's shoulder.

Alan: "I want you to be like him."

Jeff, who was laughing, suddenly stopped at what Alan said.

Jeff: "Who, me? I could never."

Alan: "But Jeff, c'mon."

Jeff: "Nooo, no way."

Alan: "Jeff!"

Jeff: "Alan, no."

Babe and Charlie, having a racing match on the PC, observed the affectionate scene.

Babe: "You better start treating me like him, or else get out."

Charlie: "What did I do?"

Babe: "Go take some classes from him. It's been long since you even bought a glass of water."

Charlie, annoyed: "They act all lovey-dovey and get us in trouble."

Charlie, sternly: "Hey, you two, get out now or else."

North: "Why are you jealous?"

Charlie: "Seriously? You know who he is." *points at Babe*[bro flexing real time]

North: "Oh, okay, whatever."

North: "Baby, let's go."

North: "Uncle, we won't be here until tomorrow. Bye-bye."

Alan: "Hey, don't go without a car. Take mine; yours is gone for service and cleaning."

Sonic: "Okay, catch you guys later. Bye!"

North: "Baby, wait, you go. I'll just go and get my wallet."

Sonic: "Let me come with you."

North: "Theerak, just stay here. You're too precious to get tired. I'll just get the wallet in a flash of a second, okay?"

Sonic: "Okay."

North went inside and found everyone gathered.

Babe: "We're safe."

North: "Yup. So, guys, everything going well till now, okay? Let's not mess this up."

Charlie: "You can count on us."

Alan: "Hey, kid, any deco plans? We need a visual representation."

Jeff: "I know. He told me everything was in his car. We will go and get it."

North: "Okay, guys, let's make this memorable."

Babe: "Let's give it our all."

North: "One more thing – the ring."

Babe: "Glad you mentioned. Way and Pete are on that. Pete got the place, and Way is on the ring. He specifically went himself to get the same as you described from the most special jeweler in New York."

North: "What would I do without you guys? Okay, now I go."

They had a quick group meeting.

Sonic: "Why did you take like 15 minutes? Where were you? I was about to come and see what you were up to."

North: "I went to the bathroom. Sorry. Now let's go. Shall I feed you there?"

Sonic: "Mhmm. Okay."

while driving north kept peeking at sonic

Sonic: "If you want to look, just stop the car and have a thorough look."

North stopped the car.

Sonic: "Really, North?"

North: "You said I could do that, so I did."

As he pecked Sonic, not just once but constantly cute pecks.

Sonic: "Okay, okay, let's go and eat something first."

North: "Then?"

Sonic, smirking: "Then you can eat me all you want."

North: "Okay, I guess, just one last time." As he pecked Sonic once more.

"Our love is like a playful puppy, full of boundless energy, endless affection, and the sweetest moments that make every day brighter."


author note

So, I wanted to make a wedding special and a surprise gift episode for North and Sonic[APART]. Here I am, listening to intrusive thoughts because just imagining their wedding makes me so happy, lol."So yeah, it will be like a short, cute wedding series of about 3 parts where he proposes, they have the wedding, and just maybe, a cute baby." so wait for next part until then bye bye 

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