Apart [north x sonic]part 2

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everyone said hi and hello to each other and showed their outfits but to most who stood out with his outfit was sonic 

sonic outfit 

Alan: "You're so bold to wear that."

Sonic: "I thought you all were also wearing the same outfit you wear to bed like it's see-through, but I have pants on, lol."

Babe and Charlie entered the party.

Babe: "Whoa, man! I felt like I entered a strip club when I saw Sonic."

Sonic: "Babe, don't joke around."

Alan: "Okay, okay, let's drink. No leaving out on drinks today."

Sonic: "Yep, let's go."

North was standing in the corner of the garage, and all he could see was Sonic. Every boy that danced with him seemed more likely to be an alpha, clenching through his waist and grabbing it while dancing. Sonic was also doing it. North was angry—no, he was furious—when he saw a boy whispering in Sonic's ear and touching his lips. 

After a few minutes, Sonic went to the bathroom with that same boy.

north followed them in a panic 

As he entered the bathroom, he saw Sonic making out with that boy, which made him go insane. He went to them and then punched that boy. Indeed, the other boy was an alpha, a strong alpha, but he was nothing like North. North was way bigger and stronger, his eyes burning with intensity. Sonic saw that, and soon he would burn in the flame of North's eyes, making him gulp. The alpha stood up from the ground and was about to punch North, but as soon as he saw that North wasn't going to back off, he just went away, annoyed.

Sonic: "What the heck do you want? What was that? Are you crazy?"

North: "What were you doing there? You tell me, are you crazy, Sonic?"

Sonic: "I am crazy for doing what I want. It's none of your business if I strip off clothes, sleep with someone, or do drugs. It's all my choice. Don't get in my way, or else."

North: "Or else what? What can you do? You can do nothing to me. You're just a small omega; that's all, you're nothing more than that."

Sonic slapped North.

Sonic: "You think your words are something I care about? Why do you care if I kiss or sleep with a boy? You don't want me, so I will find someone else."

North: "I care about you, Sonic. You are my friend."

Sonic: "Get the hell away from me. From now on, if you get in my way, I will leave the garage and leave this work."

sonic left the bathroom  without looking back

but as he was about to leave north grabbed his wrist and turned him back making him hiss in pain 

north: you want to sleep with me this much right then let's do it you will stop all of this if I do it for you okay then come with me 

sonic: north stop i don't want this 

north: no I don't understand now I just know that I want you now 

as he pushed Sonic on the back of the car in the parking 

Despite North's physical restraint against the car, Sonic fought back against the confinement, his body tensing in defiance. His breathing quickened, each exhale carrying the weight of his frustration. Sonic's hands balled into fists, his knuckles turning white as he struggled against North's hold.

Emotionally, Sonic's eyes burned with a mix of anger and hurt. The recent events, the confrontation, and North's accusations had stirred a storm within him. He felt misunderstood and cornered, and that only fueled his emotional turmoil. Sonic's voice, when he spoke, was sharp and edged with irritation.

Sonic: "Let go, North! You have no right to do this."

North held firm, his expression unyielding as he confronted Sonic.

Sonic's frustration reached a boiling point, and with a sudden surge of strength, he pushed against North, breaking free from the confinement. Sonic took a step back, his chest heaving with a mix of exertion and anger.

Sonic: "I don't need your judgment. Stay out of my life!" you're just not worth it for me i waited 3 years for you and now when you denied me I want to move on you are not letting me move on what the heck do you want

The air between them crackled with tension as the parking lot became the stage for a clash of emotions. Sonic, visibly angered and emotionally charged, stood there, a storm of conflicting feelings swirling within him.

As Sonic pushed against North and broke free, the intense emotions and physical exertion took a toll on him. A sudden wave of dizziness washed over Sonic, his vision blurring for a moment. The combination of anger, frustration, and rapid physical struggle overwhelmed him.

Sonic staggered backward, his legs feeling weak beneath him. Clutching his head, he winced, "Ah, this... this hurts more than I thought." The searing pain shot through his temples, making him hiss in pain. "Damn it,".

A moment later, his eyes rolled back, and he collapsed to the ground, unconscious. The world around him faded away as Sonic succumbed to the overwhelming weight of his emotions and physical fatigue.

North, initially caught off guard, rushed forward to catch Sonic before he hit the ground. Concern and surprise flickered across North's face as he lowered Sonic to the pavement, realizing that the confrontation had taken an unexpected turn. The once tense atmosphere in the parking lot now shifted to an eerie quietness, broken only by the distant sounds of the ongoing party and the soft murmur of voices from nearby.

North's initial surprise turned quickly into panic as he saw Sonic collapse in his arms. The realization that the situation had escalated to this point filled North with anxiety. He carefully laid Sonic on the ground, his hands shaking slightly as he checked for signs of responsiveness.

"Come on, Sonic, wake up," North muttered, his voice tinged with worry. He lightly tapped Sonic's cheek, hoping for a reaction. Panic etched across North's face as he looked around, feeling a sense of urgency to get help.

"Someone, help! We need help over here!" North shouted, hoping to catch the attention of anyone nearby. The once tense atmosphere in the parking lot shifted to a moment of collective concern as partygoers turned their attention toward the commotion.

North continued to try to revive Sonic, his panic intensifying. He frantically searched for signs of life, anxiously awaiting any response from his unconscious friend.

North (muttering): "Come on, Sonic, you can't do this to me. Wake up!"

As North took Sonic to the garage in bridal style 

The once lively party atmosphere now hung heavy with worry as the urgency of the situation 

at hospital

Babe (comforting North): "He's going to be okay. 

North (looking at Sonic with concern): where did it all go so wrong between us 

Babe (supportively): "Sometimes these things can be more complicated than they seem. Let's focus on getting him the help he needs."

 North stayed by Sonic's side as Babe and Charlie comforted north but North was still as worried as before 

Sonic murmured North's name in his sleep. Upon hearing this, North, overcome with emotion, broke down in tears.

Author note 

Sorry, guys. I know this is late, but I was busy with a wedding. That's why. I hope you enjoyed it. I guess the next part will be on Friday after his villain[kenta x Kim] ends.

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