Make You Mine (Pete x Way)Part 1

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A story dedicated to THE TIME WHEN YOU WERE MINE 

When you see your own relationship burn and you put out the fire by yourself, that's when you know you're a mad one. It's scary how much I love him. It's to the point that I want to chain him and love him. I want to hurt him and then comfort him. The only comfort he has to have is me, only me.

News Update

In recent news, well-known singer and actor Pete Obrnithi has gone missing. Details about his whereabouts remain unknown, and the company he is affiliated with has yet to provide any information. Members of his group, Suffix, have also remained silent on the situation.

A few days ago, on January 14, 2023, Pete was interviewed about his upcoming series "My First Love." During the interview, he expressed a desire to disappear from the world and escape from the public eye. On January 18, he was reported missing, leading to speculations about a possible kidnapping.

Pete: "Kidnapping, hmm. These media teams are so easy to fool. Just disappear for a while and they will act like you're a victim of kidnapping. And the company? Ha! Why would they take the blame? They don't want their stocks to go down if they get involved in this.  am I right way I want to be right but this could have been simple if you had just said yes to me that day. Oh, he's asleep. Hmm, such a beauty. He sleeps so peacefully."

Pete: "Wow, he really knows me well. Why are the other members so clueless about me? They think I am this beautiful, cute honey visual. What are they thinking? Gosh, only if I could have Topten and you together. But I love you too much; you are more than enough."

Way: "Why have you kept me here tied up? I'm not your owned object. I respected you, never thought you would be a monster behind your visuals. You're just a scraped toxic human."

Pete: "Finally, finally, you choose to speak. Oh baby."

Way: "How sick are you to put all these cameras and record in your own dorm rooms, in your own company?"

Pete: (smiling) "I'm just a little bit careful. Before I met you, I thought I just have to get him (Topten) here and we would live peacefully, no one around, just us. But then I met you. We held hands, your smile was so divine, I couldn't get over you. You know I had to wait for 2 years to meet you again. It's your fault that I almost went crazy. You never came to a fan sign again. I almost got sick of it, but then you came again, and this time I couldn't let you go, could I? Hahahahahaha."

Way: "Leave me. Untie me, please. I don't want to be here. It's so dark, so scary."

Pete: (Chuckling darkly) "Scary? You know what's truly terrifying? Humans. We're the monsters lurking in the dark. But don't worry, you'll always have me here." (Pete's voice turned cold as he caressed Way's head. Way recoiled, trying to avoid his touch, but Pete's grip tightened viciously, yanking Way's hair and forcing a scream from him.)

Pete: (With a sinister smile) "What are you saying? Should I let you go? Scream louder if you want. No one will hear you." (He twisted Way's hair even more brutally, delighting in the pain he caused, as Way's screams echoed louder in the empty, dark room.) 

Way: "Leave me, please. It hurts, it hurts. Please, it hurts!"

Pete: "Oh, it hurts? It hurts me more. But I need to teach you well so you can be good in the future. See, I'm almost going to cry. It's hurting my heart just as badly. But I can't let you go like this. Why do you stay silent when you make mistakes? Speak! I won't let you go. Speak!"

Way: "Sorry, I'm sorry!"

Pete laughed, his eyes gleaming with madness, as he watched Way plead. "Ah, I love it when you beg. It almost makes me feel alive again. Crazy, isn't it?" He released Way's hair, his grin sending shivers down Way's spine.

Way: "You can never make me fall for you. You're a fucking psycho. I hate you, I hate you so much. You can't own me. I would never give in to a fucking psycho like you!"

Pete: "Oh, hate me all you want, my dear. But you'll learn. You'll learn to love the pain, the fear, the control." His voice grew darker, his gaze intense. "I can't own you? Oh, but I can mark you. I can brand you as mine. And you'll carry that mark forever, a reminder of who owns you." His smile twisted into a malicious grin.

Way: "What do you mean? What are you going to do?"

Pete: His expression turned chillingly calm. "I mean I'll make you mine in ways you can't even imagine. You'll belong to me,Pete's voice dropped to a low, chilling tone, his eyes narrowing into cold, predatory slits. "Mark you. Own you. Write me yours," he hissed, his smile spreading into a menacing grin that sent shivers down Way's spine.

as he took a knife out of his pants way looking at this his hear beat dropped his handstrembled he knew he could do anything and everything his breath hitched as he looked at pete smili g at the knife 

Pete: "I've done this before, Way. It won't hurt much."

Way: "Pete, please, don't do this. This isn't you. You're not like this. I'll do anything, just don't hurt me."

Pete: "What do you mean? Do you think you have a choice? You never did. And this... it's a beautiful memory in the making, Way. My name etched on your skin. It's poetic, don't you think?"

Way: "Pete, no! Please, I'm begging you. You can't do this!"

Pete: (Ignoring Way's pleas, Pete's eyes glint with madness as he produces a gleaming knife.) "Shh, Way. Shh, my dear. It'll only sting for a moment. Then you'll be mine forever." (He smiles wickedly at Way, relishing in his fear.)

Way: "Put the knife down, Pete. I beg you, don't. You can't do this."

(As Pete grabbed Way's hand, Way's head bopped in denial, his whole body trembling. Pete smiled sinisterly at Way.)

As Pete forced Way's trembling hand to stop, the room filled with the sound of the blade carving into Way's flesh. Way's stifled cries threatened to erupt into screams, but Pete's hand clamped down over his mouth, muffling any sound. The scent of blood mingled with the metallic tang of fear, suffocating the air.

With each stroke of the knife, Pete etched his name onto Way's skin, his movements deliberate and precise. The pain was excruciating, searing through Way's nerves like fire. He fought to remain conscious, but the world around him spun with dizzying intensity.

Finally, as Pete finished, he leaned back to admire his handiwork. The name "Pete" was now permanently engraved on Way's flesh, a twisted testament to Pete's possession.

As Way's vision blurred and darkness threatened to consume him, Pete's touch softened. With a chilling tenderness, Pete pressed a kiss to Way's forehead

How did Pete get Way here? What was Way before? Why does Kim know that other members don't? What is Pete's motive for targeting Way in this way?


this was in my drafts for about 3 months since The time when you were mine was finished I never thought to do this story but here we are so yeah enjoy and wait for the next part 


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