LUNACY [Pete x way ] Part 2

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I wrote this while listening to Gimme More by Britney Spears so bear with me here.

After Pete's parents left, Pete couldn't shake off the unease he felt from Way's confident demeanor. He couldn't help but confront Way about his apparent change in attitude, especially regarding the honeymoon plans.

Pete: Hey, what's going on with you?

Way: What?

Pete: Why did you tell Mom you wanted that honeymoon when you clearly don't want it?

Way: Who says that?

Pete: I... I said that, okay? Just stay away.

Way: Why are you scared of me?

Pete: Look at your size and then talk to me.

Way: Oh, don't talk about sizes with me[as he looked down at Pete crouch]

As Pete struggled to maintain his composure, Way's calm confidence only seemed to intensify the tension between them. It was becoming increasingly clear to Pete that there was more to Way than met the eye, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and curiosity about his new husband.

Way: I'm going to meet some friends, and they invited you as well. Get ready at 4 PM, okay?

Pete: I have work. I won't go, okay?

Way: I didn't ask. I told you.

Suddenly, Pete pinned Way against the wall.

Pete: You know how much you piss me off.

Way: And you know how much you turn me on when you're angry.

Way: Leave me, and please don't make me call Mom, okay? Just do what I say.

As Pete begrudgingly got ready for the event he didn't want to attend, he felt a sense of irritation prickling at him. He adjusted his coat, only for his cigarette box to slip out of his pocket and tumble to the floor. Before he could react, Way swiftly bent down and retrieved it.

Way: Here you go.

Pete: gruffly Thanks.

Way: smirking Don't mention it.

Way's fingers delicately plucked a cigarette from the box, his movements fluid and graceful. He ignited his cigarette with practiced ease, the flame casting dancing shadows across his face. With a casual nonchalance, he leaned in towards Pete, their faces dangerously close.

Way: teasingly Let me light that for you.

Pete's heart pounded in his chest as Way's proximity sent a jolt of anticipation through him. He could feel the heat radiating off Way's body, their breaths mingling in the charged air between them. As Way's cigarette tip met his own, Pete couldn't suppress a shiver of excitement.

Pete: blowing out a cloud of smoke Let's just get this over with

As they headed out together, the tension between them was palpable, a silent battle of wills brewing just beneath the surface. As they stepped into the night, Way couldn't shake the feeling that this evening would be far more eventful than he had anticipated.

Way: Kim, Babe, my darlings, hello!

Pete: *coughing* What the...

Way: *interrupting* This, this is a strip club.

Pete's eyes widen in shock as he takes in his surroundings, the dimly lit room filled with scantily clad dancers and blaring music.

Pete: Are you crazy? We're leaving right now. *he grabs Way's wrist, his tone urgent and commanding.*

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