Mood Swings 2 [Alanx jeff]part 2

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Sonic: Do you want some ice cream, Jeff?

Jeff: *smiling* Are you buying it for me?

North: Aww, all the ice cream for you, Jeff.

Alan: What's with the "aww"?

Way: He's acting like this, and you tell us not to say "aww." Then what?

Alan: May God bless him.

North: There's a reason we call you Uncle.

Sonic: Right.

Alan: Hey, hey now, I'm not the only uncle here. You all are uncles as well.

Sonic: Yeah, umm nooo, we will be the cool ones, not the old ones.

Jeff: Can you guys stop fighting? *giggles* Even though it's funny, I still don't want you all to fight.

Alan: Sure, sure, Jeff.

In Alan's mind, he thought, "I married a mature and normal guy. My baby has turned into a whole baby himself. Never thought he would act like that."

As they settled back at home, Jeff's presence seemed to bring a lighter atmosphere to the household. Despite Alan's inner musings, he couldn't deny the joy that Jeff's innocence and humor brought to their lives.

Later that evening, as they gathered around the dinner table, Jeff's infectious laughter filled the room, easing any tension that might have lingered from earlier.

North: So, Jeff, what do you want to do tomorrow?

Alan: Nothing, he will rest.

Jeff: Yes, I will rest, but can we go to the garage?

Alan: Matter of fact, no.

Jeff looked at Alan with a pouty, sad expression.

Jeff: Please?

Alan: No.

Jeff looked down, saying, "Fine."

Alan looked at Jeff, feeling guilty seeing him sad, pouting, and looking down.

Alan: Eh, okay, okay, we'll go. Don't be sad now, eat.

Jeff: Yay! It's gonna be so much fun!

Way: You bet, if this was me, you would probably be lying somewhere around the room dead.

Alan: Thank god it wasn't you, of course, I know.

Way: Okay, I will go now. Dreams may soon leave, I have to be there.

North: Sonic, look how cute he is acting. I want you to act like this.

Sonic: What if I act like Way?

North: Then I'll handle that as well because I love you, naa.

Sonic: You bet you will, then.

North: So, you agree?

Sonic: Who agrees on what?

North: Let's go home then, I'll tell you. Come on, come on!

Sonic: Ehh, North, wait, wait!

North: No, let's leave. *picking Sonic up in bridal style* Come on!

Sonic: Put me down, put me down, you bastard! Alan, I'll see you tomorrow!

Alan: Okay, okay, see you. Bye-bye.

Alan sighed as he watched them leave. He looked at Jeff, who was still at the table eating in the smallest pieces ever.

Alan: You finish this. I'll take a shower.

Jeff: Okay, no problem.

As Alan went to take a shower...

After a few minutes, Alan emerged from the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist, his wet hair dripping small droplets of water down his neck to his waist.

Jeff, sitting on the bed, couldn't help but gulp as he watched Alan's figure.

Jeff: Oh my god...

Alan: [startled] What the heck, Jeff? You scared me! What was that for?

Jeff: I don't know... I just thought you look so fine. How did I marry you?

Alan: Huh?

Jeff: Yeah, and you... you cursed at me.

Alan: Look, I didn't curse at you, I cursed at what you said.

Jeff: But you cursed at what I said.

Alan: Oh my, there there...

Jeff: Don't curse at me... [sniffle, sniffle]

Alan: Oh, I won't, I promise I won't.

Jeff: I want to eat honeycomb candy.

Alan: Huh? What, that Squid Game one?

Jeff: [smiling] Can you make it for me?

Alan: Sure, why not?

as he patted jeff head who was hugging his waist tightly 

[sorry this is a small one because well I have a physics exam tomorrow ]

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