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"What do you love about yourself?"

"I love HIM about myself."

Charlie was lost in deep thought when Babe approached.

Babe: "Thinking about me?"

Charlie: "Not about you, but about what's mine."

Babe: smiles "Really?"

Charlie: "Babe, you have to get over it."

Babe: "Get over what?"

Charlie: "I'm dead. You have to accept it."

Babe: "Charlie, enough of your jokes."

Alan: "Babe, babe, babe, who are you talking to?"

Babe: looks at Uncle "Charlie."

Babe: "Here he is."

he saw nothing again, but there was no one.

Alan: "Who are you talking about, babe?"

Babe: "What do you mean, who?"

Alan: "I mean what I said."

Babe: "Are you pranking me, Uncle?"

Sonic: "Babe, let's sit down. Okay? I know you're having a really hard time. You have to get over Charlie."

Babe: "Why are you guys kidding? Stop. This is not a funny joke. You get me?"

Alan: sighs "You should go to bed, babe."

Babe: "Bed?"

Alan: "Yeah, go have a rest."

Babe: hesitant

Sonic guides Babe to his room.

As Sonic leaves, Alan breaks down in tears, seeing how much Charlie's death has affected Babe's mental health.

Jeff: "I'm sorry you have to see this." Alan hugs Jeff around the waist

Alan: "I don't know what I should do. How should I help this kid? He's seeing him everywhere, in hallucinations. It's like we not only lost Charlie but also lost Babe with him. What is he without him? He's nothing. They were everything together, and now he's nothing without him."

Jeff: "We will get through this, I promise.

When you experience the loss of someone significant in your life, it feels as though a piece of yourself has been torn away. This absence leaves a void that affects every aspect of your being. It's like trying to operate with a vital organ missing; you find it difficult to function normally because the pain of their absence is constantly present.

In this context, love acts as both a remedy and a source of pain. For some, the memories and love shared with the lost loved one serve as a healing balm, providing comfort and strength to cope with the loss. However, for others, love becomes a wound in itself, causing deep emotional anguish and suffering.

Those who perceive love as medicine find solace and healing in the fond memories and the enduring love they share with the departed. These memories become a source of warmth and comfort, helping them navigate through the grief.

On the other hand, for those who perceive love as an injury, the pain of loss overwhelms them. The absence of their loved one feels like a constant ache, a wound that refuses to heal. Every memory, every reminder of their absence, only serves to deepen the pain, leaving them emotionally wounded and struggling to find a way forward.

CHARLIE: "Babe, P'Babe."

BABE: "Charlie, you're still sleeping. Should we get up and get ready?"

CHARLIE: "Just stay here, okay? Sleep with me. You should sleep, okay?"

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