Eyes don't lie [ALAN X JEFF]

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recommended song: Eyes Don't Lie and Older by Isabel LaRosa

"So, Alan and Jeff have been dating for about a month now, but no one knows except Charlie. Everyone is always shipping them and trying to get them together without knowing. It's been like a month since they started dating, and although Alan always gives peeks at Jeff and looks out for him, Jeff rarely even talks to Alan. It seems like Alan is the one putting effort into the relationship, and Jeff is just being ignorant.

Charlie notices how much Alan tries for their relationship and how much love Alan has for Jeff. On the other side, Jeff never really tries to approach Alan. He is also the one who told Alan not to tell anyone about them, and Alan agreed without any hesitation.

Charlie decides to approach Jeff to talk about it.

Charlie: Hey Jeff, do you have a minute? I want to talk. Let's meet outside after lunch.

Jeff: Sure.

After lunch, Jeff goes outside and sees Charlie talking to Alan. He walks up to Charlie.

Jeff: What's wrong? Is there something?"

Charlie :p Alan, we talk later about it okay


As Alan walked past Jeff

"He looked at Jeff as if it were love at first sight, as though he fell in love with Jeff each time their eyes met. Every glance, every stolen moment, seemed to deepen the connection in Alan's heart. It was as if Jeff had become the focal point of a love story that unfolded with every shared smile and every subtle gesture.

Jeff: We will meet at your house today, okay? [smiled]

Alan: Oh, okay. [It was a generous and pretty happy moment for Alan.]

Jeff: Yeah, Charlie.

Charlie: Are you serious?

Jeff: What?

Charlie: Don't you see it? You have to put effort into this relationship, Jeff. As a brother, I know you don't love attention, and you don't like showing affection. But still, with the amount of love and affection you are getting from Alan, it's just a lot. When was the last time you ever kissed him or said, 'I love you'?

Jeff: ...

Charlie: See, no answer. I am just concerned as a brother. If this goes on, he might lose his will to love you. You need to show equal effort as Alan.

Jeff: But I am trying, Charlie. I can't change the way I am. I try, but it's just, I don't know how to explain it.

Charlie: Then just try your best. That's the only thing I will tell you. Try to be more observant and try more, not just for Alan but for yourself as well.

Jeff embraced Charlie in a gesture of gratitude, silently thanking him for offering some much-needed insight.

Jeff: "Thanks."

Charlie: "Give his love a chance, believe me."

A soft smile played on Jeff's lips.

As Jeff inside the garage his mind swirled with thoughts. The room was empty, everyone had gone out for a drink after lunch, leaving only Alan working diligently on Babe's car.

Suddenly, Jeff wrapped his arms around Alan, catching him off guard.

Alan: "Hey, kid."

Jeff: "I'm not your kid."

Alan: "Then what are you?"

Jeff: your theerak

Alan: "Really? What are you up to, kid?"

Jeff: "Just let me do what I'm doing."

Alan: "If you keep holding me like this, I might lose control."

who told you to control yourself did I tell you

Jeff kissed Alan's neck making him go crazy with every breath you never asked me to do anything for you do you like me or are you just playing don't forget to breathe Uncle okay as he licked Alan's earlobe making him hiss in pain I didn't even do anything yet

if somebody comes we will be so fucked, Jeff

uncle, really you just used slang

IDC it's more thrilling this way as Jeff slowly moved his finger down to Alan's pants

Jeff idk if somebody saw it our secret would be revealed

what if I don't want to keep it a secret anymore

suddenly In a moment, Alan faces Jeff and steps closer to Jeff, their eyes locked with an intensity that speaks volumes. As the air thickens with anticipation, Alan gently places his hands on either side of Jeff, pinning him against the car. The metal surface feels cool beneath Jeff's back, heightening the contrast with the warmth of Alan's touch. Alan looked at Jeff, and at that moment, it was like a spell was cast. His eyes spoke a language of their own, telling a story only the heart could understand. It was as if magic lingered in the air, a subtle dance of pheromones adding an enchanting fragrance to the atmosphere. In the simplicity of their gaze, there was a profound enchantment, a silent promise that eyes indeed hold the secrets of the soul, and in this magical connection, pheromones wove an invisible thread between them, intensifying the allure of their unspoken bond.

Alan: "You dare to do it."[smiled]

Suddenly, Jeff's eyes softened from those sexy orbs to a really worried, precious, and almost teary gaze. Alan asked him what was wrong, feeling concerned that he might have done something Jeff didn't like.

Jeff: "I am sorry. I'm sorry for how I've been ignoring you. You're the only one who I see as my love. In my eyes, you're the only one. I just don't know how to love. Everything is really new to me. You see, I never had anyone to take care of me. I was always on my own. I never really learned how to be taken care of. I always took care of myself, and now, when you're doing everything for me, I don't know how to express that it feels good. It feels amazing, actually. But from the outside, I can't tell you a word. It's not that I don't see you peeking at me. I do. Every time you look at me, it's mesmerizing. Sometimes it feels like I'm in a dream, and if this dream breaks, I might not be able to live again, or it might break. You won't say anything."

Alan: "Feel better, do you, kiddo?" As he hugged Jeff. "You thought all that. How long were you going to keep it in like that? If you feel that, let me remind you this is not a dream."

He kissed Jeff from the forehead to his neck.

"See, this is all reality-a sweet and beautiful reality where I love you and will love you. It's me who chooses to love you and love you until you run out of these thoughts. I know what you've been through. I get your every word. I know you want to do better and show more love, but trust me, your bare minimum is more than enough for me. You noticed my peeks and care. That's the only thing I need. I just need you to keep your heart open for me. I will do the rest."

As Jeff hugged Alan it was a hug full of love and sincerity

author note

"Hello, guys! So, yeah, if you're here, then you watch the Thai series. I certainly did take the last few lines from '2gether: The Series' because it just felt right. I just wanted to tell you all that, yeah, I did borrow it, but it's not the same as it is. I changed it a bit. Don't come at me in the comments saying I copied it, blah, blah, blah."

okay byeee

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